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03.07 Out of the easy


"REBEKAH, IT'S BEEN A WHILE." The Parker speaks into her phone, stirring the fries floating in the bubbling oil, shaking her hand and hopping around while cursing under her breath as it burns her fingers. The Parker gapes as the Mikaelson, who's sitting comfortably in her high chair with her pacifier, cackles at her mother. The woman's eyes soften at the laugh that sounds all too familiar. 

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, what's up?" She groans, putting the cell on speaker.

"I wanted to inform you since I just separated from Freya, I'm meeting with a witch, sweets. Kol might be home soon, Aidynn."

The hybrid pauses, gulping thickly. The untriggered tribrid shrieks; "Dada!"

"Was-Was that Saint?" The Mikaelson inquires.

Aidynn turns, smiling at her baby who's gazing at New Orleans through the balcony with a smile. "Mhm...she's so big now."


"Food, mama!"

"I wish Kol could see her, he'd be so shocked." She bites her thumb nail since she had yet to have them redone. "Goddess, she's just like him. So much like him, Rebekah. She looks like both of us but her laughs..." The hybrid closes her eyes, remembering the sound of Kol's laugh that Saint inherited. "She laughs just like him."

"Really? I was hoping to God she got everything from her lovely mother." The witch jokes. "I have to go, sweets."

"Rebekah? Are you-" She stops when the dial tone sounds, she attempts to shrug it off as she puts the dinner down. An uncrusted turkey and cheese sandwich with mayonnaise and pickles, some sweet potato fries she made, vanilla yogurt with some crushed graham crackers and maple syrup, and some banana slices with her bottle of apple juice. "Here, Peanut."

"Tanks, ma!" The baby wriggles happily, digging her chubby hands into the fries, messily dipping in with some ketchup. Aidynn sips her tea as she munches her two turkey and cheese sandwiches with pickles, mayonnaise, lettuce, and onions with fries on the side. Ten minutes go by and Aidynn's washing her dishes as Saint lets out a belch that's louder than her's normally are. The Parker turns to the Mikaelson with yogurt over her entire face along with bits of turkey blinking at her mother with her lips trembling, dark blue eyes watery.

Aidynn's heart squeezes, sadness clouding her eyes as the baby starts crying. Everytime Saint cried, since three a.m. this morning since she was extra sensitive and fussy, her heart cried with her, it physically made her sad like a rainy day did to many. The mother moves to her baby, uncaring of her morning clothes being messy from the state of her child, she lifts Saint to her chest and rubs her back. "You're ok."

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