A Walk in Bonesborough

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You wake up from another nightmare about a Stupid dragon chasing you and now y/n feels very tired for the 5 millionth time. I walked down the hallway to see Luz just staring at Eda's bedroom door wearing a very dusty traffic con and old robe.You don't tell her though.When you grab some orange blood aka orange juice but boiling isles calls it blood and its non alchoholic.

I listen to Luz and Eda's convo and when Luz says why don't you remember me I just tell Luz that its early and Eda is probably still waking up just like I am.

"Eggzactly kiddo.bbukkb"Eda comfirms while I just zone out.

"Hey Eda?Can I just walk and explore boneborough?I wont do anything else and if you need me to grab something I can.Just give me the snails to do so."I ask hesitantly.

"Of course you can and actually could you get me some elixers?I've been needing more.If there is any leftover money you can buy something for your self if you want."Eda explains kindly.

"Thank you Eda I will, seeya later Luz."I yelled walking out the door barely hearing the muffled by back and then shortly after hearing a small crash of glass.Most likely Luz dropping things again.

----------------time skip 2 hours------------------

man today was fun.and when I get back Eda can most likely tell me what happened to make me turn witch.not that its unpleasant.Wait...does this mean I can do magic? No I shouldn't try,i'll make Luz sad.

To pass the time y/n starts softly whispering 2 birds on a wire.(if you dont know this song look it up on youtube)

Being in this unfamiliar place is nice,even if its a little grey from the eye covering.I wish I was comfortable with people seeing my face-

Emmediatly y/n has a flashback.

"Dad?DAD?! what are you doing?OW"

y/n yells as her dad in a manic state when chopping some onions he slices your (left or right eye you guys choose) and runs out of the house leaving you there crying and bleeding.Mom comes back from work to see you and calls the police on him.You don't know what happens after that,just that mom slowly got worse with her language towards you with an occasional slap on the face even if you did nothing.I don't like this memory.

I stop whistling when I hear someone say catch that thief.In a spur of the moment I run towards the noise to get hit by the Thief.I exclaimed in discomfort and ran after whoever it was,unknowingly using magic to catch the brat that hit you.

When you caught them you brought then to the guards saying "This brat here hit me so I did your stupid job for you.Your welcome."

You got stared at and was about to walk away when one of the guards stated with a lot of shock"You caught him?" "Yeah it wasn't that hard"(Now that I know for a fact that I have magic.)

"Mam?We are going to need you to come with us" "Are you kidding me?I didn't even do anything illegal!At least not on purpo-""No we just need you to talk to someone who has to find an apprentice.

He and all of us have been looking for someone that is strong and you seem it."The Guard sang happily."Can I meet you guys here tomorrow and tell you if I want to come or not?I want permission from someone first.And If I have to get a sigil this age than no thank you."I bargain slightly.

"Of course we will give you time,come meet us at 3pm K?"One guard asked."Sure see ya guys around." I say before walking away.

Uh oh.Eda is not going to like this.ugh I hate being a disapointment. But Eda is at least nicer than mom.

3 hours later y/n is about to go home.

I got the elixers ,and I still have some leftover money,I say aloud walking until I notice a familiar mask.The Golden Guard.

I grab a not dog for him as he looks a little hungry and tired. Must've been a long day for him.

"Hey Goldie.Here take this you look tired and hungry and I don't think you like like it when people notice"I say kindly.

Surprisingly Goldie takes the food and mutters a small thanks."Follow me.I know you don't like showing your face.Part of the Guard thing i'm guessing.Or self doubt."I state as I grab the Golden Guard's arm and pull it out of bonesburough to a small clearing in the forest near the town.Goldie just stare at the Not Dog hesitant to eat it with me there.

"Dont worry, I won't look.I know what it feels like to hide your face,I mean ,I'm hiding my eyes aren't I?"y/n stares at the sky while Goldie eats and looks at you quietly."You know..Some of your Guards asked me to be your apprentice after I caught a criminal with my VERY new abilities."

Hunter's POV

"New abilities?"I ask wondering what this strange girl means.

"well,I'm not telling you the whole story but...I was powerless before..Something happened.But I have a different friend who cant do magic and I didn't want to learn so I wouldn't make her sad,But...It is curious that I suddenly gained physical and magical attributes coming here.And I want to learn, but I'm afraid to tell my friends."The strange girl chuckled sadly.

"I..I understand what you mean,at l..least partly.I have some secrets I don't want others knowing."I sigh uncomfortably.

"I appreciate your honesty goldie I..Uh..sigh..man i'm tired.Nice too meet you Goldie.Wait what time is it?"She asks quickly.

"Uh..Around 5 why?""Awwww shit .I'll see you around Goldie,But I gotta go I'm late and I need to get home."y/n states starting to run and yelling see ya later alligator.

What does that even mean?Who knows.All I know is I told someone I don't know well my insecurities about my face. Belos will not be happy if he finds out.

y/n's POV

"Sorry I'm late Eda,I got your potions,found a friend and can I become the Golden Guard's apprentice?Even I f I have to spy a bit?I won't have to get a sigil and I will get to practice my new abilities as a witch as I found out today that I have powers."

"This is great news y/n,you can get juicy goss,spy,and explore your abilities.And you can try to teach Luz some magic so she'll stop pestering me."Eda exclaims excitedly.

"Really?LUZ that's great,I'm so glad you found some way to do magic.Teach me sometime when you know more and I'll do the same.Even if you cant do my magic."

"Oh and y/n? I wasn't able to find anything that could explain why your a witch now and not human"

I stand there slightly sad and annoyed.ugh.I'm going to bed.

"I'm glad you told me right away Eda,but i'm going to bed,i'm tired.Night."I mumble halfheartedly.

This is all so new.Y/N thinks before drifting off to sleep.

1119 words ----------- 8/1/2022

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