A 'Petrifying' and 'Memorable' Day

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I wake up on the ledge that I had gone to last night.I guess I fell asleep.

I walk to the castle and see Kikimora briskly walking towards me.I stop to let her catch up.

"Emperor Belos wishes to speak with you.I would be careful.He didn't seem to happy."Kikimora scowls.

"Oh.Thanks for telling me Kikimora.I appreciate that."

"Y-you do?"She questions,extremely shocked by my kindness.

"Of course.You deserve some validation with how much you do for the emperor."I smile.

"O-oh!Well your welcome then.Talk to me if you need anything y/n."Kikimora smiles widely with gratitude.

"I will!Thank you."I chuckle before entering the emperors room.I saw Hunter right beside me.

"So Hunter,did you find anything on y/n here?Is she with the Owl Lady?"Belos questions.

I hold my breath expecting Hunter to tell Belos that I was with Eda.

"No.y/n is loyal from what I could tell when I spied on her yesterday."Hunter lied.

Wait.He lied?I thought he hates me?

"Oh?Then what was the incident that made it so you couldn't come back home last night?"

"y/n had a bad fall and fell on their back.If you don't believe me check it for yourself.""Hunter explained before turning me and showing Belos my back.

I protested quite loudly at Hunters touch.

"I see.You better not be lying to me Hunter."Belos warned.

"I would never."

"y/n.You look nervous.Care to tell me why."Belos sneers.

"I'm in your presence.Hard to tell what you might say.I don't want to get fired."I state nervously.

"And that is a lie."Belos said before I felt something tingly on my feet.

Rock hard cement was slowly going up my entire body.

Hunter started freaking the fuck out while I just stared in shock,wondering if this was how I was going to die.

Hunters POV

"W-what?Uncle you said you wouldn't hurt her if she wasn't with Eda and she isn't!What are you doing?!Stop please!"I plead seeing y/n's body steadily turn rock solid.She just stares at herself in shock.

Belos makes the process increase in speed.

y/n just chuckles softly looking at me with a smile while slightly tearing up.

"She needs to learn not to lie to me."Belos states coolly.


y/n was almost completely turned to stone when the petrification stopped and she collapsed from the the pain.

I caught her just as her head was about to hit the floor

"Y/n that will happen if I find out you are with Eda. Or if I hear that your against me at all."Belos exclaims before booting the two of us out of the room.

"Y/n are you ok?Oh my titan,I did not think that would happen.I am so sorry."I plead.

y/n's pov

I felt numb but sore all at the same time.

"I-I I'm ok Hunter.You don't need to worry about me.I'm fine."I say,putting on a fake smile.

Me and Hunter just sit there for a few minutes before standing up,which I have to lean on him to do.

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