Hollow Mind

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It has been about a week since Hunter told me he liked me.

I'm still in shock.

I've been around him while working,but whenever he tries to talk to me,I get all flustery and red before eventually walking away.

I feel bad,but...I can't help it!!

He actually likes me and the thought of someone liking me,maybe even loving me,is too good to be true.

But it's also not.

"You good y/n?"Luz suddenly asks.

"!!!Yes!I'm fine!"I squeak,getting red again.

"Your thinking about Hunter.Aren't you?"Luz smirks.

"Shut up!And maybe...yes.I can't help it.I really like him and yet I keep getting all weird whenever I'm near him.We are supposed to be dating right now but I can't even speak to the man!"I cry out in annoyance.

"You have it BAD!"Luz laughs.

"It's not funny!!"I yell.

"Sure.Anyways,Eda wanted me to come with her while grabs some things from the night market.Wanna come?"Luz asks with pleading eyes,

I sigh.

"Sure Luz.I need to get my mind off of Hunter for a bit anyways .And the market may be quite dangerous,but fun."I grin,remembering that one night where Hunter saved me from that creepy guy.

God damn it!!

I thought of him again.

Me and Luz grab our jackets and head out

Me and Luz grab our jackets and head out

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What my y/n is wearing.

We walk to the night market and I take a deep breath before entering the town.

Luz,Eda,and King understands my hesitation and gives me a cheery smile.

I give them a silly face back and King and Luz giggles.

I see 3 people in hoods and I recognise them as Raine whispers,Darius,and Eberwolf.

"hehe,I knew I waasn't the only one."I whisper with a huge grin.

Luz asks me what I said and I told her nothing.

Eda knocked on someones door,and King tries out the walkie talkie between him and Luz.

Prim doesn't answer right away and Luz and King just play around a bit.

After some more persistant knocking,Prim finally opens the door.

"Ah!Ther you are.I need some more witches wool.I got a kid with cold shoulders who tends to get into a lot of trouble, and one kid who is a bit catlike and likes to be cosy and safe."Eda explains with a smile and grimace.


"This store is closed Eda.I've decided to finally join a coven."Prim explains quickly,showing an Oracle sygil.

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