Hanging with Blights and Crushes.

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Luz was feeling off.

She told me that she told Amity about her dad.

I looked at Luz in shock and explained that I told someone as well.

Eda had noticed our weird behavior and was going to tell the both of us a story when I told her I was hanging with the Blight twins.

I've grown quite close too the two,since they love to hang with me the most during school.

They are hilarious.

Why are the Blight kids so amazing?

I saw Edric and Emira right in front of the town,waiting for me.

"Hey girl!"Emira exclaimed.

"Heeeey cutie."Edric flirted.

Sadly,Edric has a slight crush on me.

He knows I don't like him like that,so all he does is flirt a bit.

"Hey y/n!"I hear a familiar voice exclaim excitedly.

I turn around and see Hunter.

"Hunter!"I yell happily,giving him a tight hug.

I could feel Edrics tension when I hugged Hunter.

Definately jelous.

"Hey,who is this cutie?"Emira flirts.

"This is...um..Caleb!Yeah!Caleb,meet Edric and Emira!"I exclaim.

They all shake hands.

Emira starts flirting and talking to Hunter,which made me feel a bit...weird.

I couldn't understand it.

Hunter looks at me witha help me look.

I give Emira a look and she stops flirting.

We all start walking into the town,cause I invited Hunter to come along.

I know he doesn't get many days off.

While I,get all the time off because I have school.


We all start talking and just overall hanging.

Edric and Hunter seem to be a bit stiff with each other.

Honestly,kind of reminds me of that one stranger things tik tok.

The elevater one.

I chuckle softly to myself.

Everyone asks whats funny and I tell them nothing.

They don't need to know my ridiculous thoughts.

We continue walking through the town,enjoying the sights and talking.

Hunter and Edric start to gravitate towards me,one on one side and vice versa.

They just give each other a weird look.

"Hey boys?Can I talk to y/n for a sec?"Emira say with syrup in her voice.


She's explaining the situation for me.

That's good.

"GIRRRRRRLLL!Both of the boys have it bad for you!"Emira giggles.

"What do you mean?I know Edric has a crush and he knows I don't like him like that.AndHunter DEFINATLYdoesn'thavefeelingsforme!"I squeak out the Hunter part.

Emira gasps.

"You like Hunter?!OMG!You guys are perfect for each other!?Emira squeals with excitement for me.

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