Hunter's talk with Belos

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"Hunter.Come in."Belos states when he hears a knock.

"Uncle.You called for me?"Hunter asks,slightly worried.

"Yes.I need to talk to you about your little friend."

"What do you mean?"

"y/n.I have a feeling she may be in cahoots with the Owl Lady."Belos explained to the shocked Hunter.

"How do you know her name?And y/n would never be i-""Do you doubt me Hunter?I just need to know so I can get her into a coven soon.The day of unity is quickly approaching."Belos intterupted.

"And what if she is in cahoots with Eda?"Hunter questioned.

"I will petrify her,to show Eda I mean business if she doesn't join a coven."

"But y/n!I don't want her to get hurt-""That is why I am asking you to see.I am not sure if she is,so I need you to take her out to bonesburough tomorrow as there is a carnival in town.Luz the human should be there and if Luz is there,Eda will be too."

"But I-""I understand your concern for y/n as she is your first true friend,but is she a real friend if she is lying to you?I have never lied before.Why would I start now,Hunter?"Belos questioned sternly.

"Could you at least not petrify her?Could you punish her in a way where she would still be alive?Please?"Hunter pleads.

"I will think about it.Now please leave me Hunter.I'm feeling quite tired."

"But I can help!-"Hunter talks (out of turn) and Belos shoots a gooey substance turned hard at Hunter,narrowly missing his ear.

"I am sorry Uncle,I spoke out of turn."Hunter apologizes.

"Your fine,now leave."Belos finishes the conversation sternly and Hunter leaves the room to think.

If y/n is with the Owl Lady,she would tell me right?No,not nessicarily,she knows that Belos is my uncle.I really hope she isn't with Eda.I don't want y/n to get hurt.She's my first real friend and.Ugh!Why am I thinking so weirdly.Why do I always feel sad whenever I say friend towards y/n?I don't like her.Do I?I can't.Especially if she is with the Owl Lady.Ugh!This is so confusing.

320 words ----------- 8/5/2022

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