The Cabin

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Memories flood my mind.

"I'm it."The Collector smiles evilly.

"I'm so happy I had you two as a big sister.

Me getting sliced.

Hunter 'dying' in the emperors mind.

The news of my mother.

"Eda!!!"I yell,before the portal closes.

I wake up in a blind panic,sitting up quickly and looking around,wincing from the pain I was in.

I breath heavily,feeling disoriented.

I feel movement beside me and Hunter sits up.

"It's ok y/n!We're at Camila's!Nothing can hurt you."Hunter touches my shoulder.

I still look around a bit frantically before Hunter grabs my face and turns it towards his,giving me a smile.

"Take a deep breath."Hunter tells me.

I breath in and out a bit before calming down.

"Are you ok now?"Hunter lets go of my face,moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I-I.I think so..."I sigh,closing my eyes for a moment.

"What happened."Hunter asks softly.

"I had a nightmare.About everything."I explain.

I felt so tired.

Tired of everything.

"I did too.It's gonna be ok."Hunter smiles.

Is it though?

I hear Gus yawn,waking up.

"I'm alive!!!!"Gus states,sitting up.

"Oh!I'm here.You two are up!"Gus smiles happily.

"Yep.We're up."Hunter smiles,going over to Gus and fist bumping him.

What happened.


I'm not gonna question it.

I  giggle a bit at the two before going upstairs.

Everyone else was sleeping,and we're going to be hungry.

I head to Luz's room and check on everyone in there.

They were all sleeping mostly soundly.

That's good.

"What are you doing up here?Shouldn't we be staying downstairs until Camila wakes up?"Hunter asks suddenly,getting my attention.

"I'm making food.We're all hungry."I say,smiling tiredly.

"Wooo!Food!"Gus yells.

I put my hand over his mouth.

"Be quiet!Everyone else is still sleeping and we had a long day."I seeth,making sure to keep my voice low.

"Oh yeah.sorry."Gus mumbles sheepishly.

I sigh and look in the fridge.

"How is this cold?"Hunter asks.

"Electricity."I put simply.

Hunter and Gus give me a confused look as I take some eggs and bacon out.

I put it on the counter and grab the bag of bread,putting it next to the rest to the food.

I look in the cuboards and grab 9 plates.

"Why are you grabbing so much stuff?"Gus questions curiously.

The Owl house(Hunter/GoldenGuardXReader)Where stories live. Discover now