The Intruder.

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Luz was making a mini video about king as he was tearing apart a ducky sock and asked him why he brought us here.

"Oh yeah.With you two so lovey dovey towards learning magic I wanted to teach you about...MY OWN KIND.You see, demons are chaos and misery loving creatures that love to hurt others.Our only weaknesses is purified water and passive aggressive comments.:King explains fervently.

"Awwwwww,you guys are sensative."Luz exclaims with an understanding lovey tone.

"Even demons have inner demons."King utters."The most powereful demon of all  is the snaggleback he's""A bad boy."I say as I use a filter on Luz's phone to add some adorable text near king.

"y/n Luz pay attention."King pleads starting to get annoyed.

"We are paying attention.See?This is our paying attention face."Luz says also muttering some mm hmm and stuff.

A clap of thunder eh Thunders in the distance making both y/n and Luz start running towards the door as King says "Uh oh, looks like it's about to rain."

"Me and Luz love the rain."I interjecy about to open the door.

"Hey wait-"King starts to yell as me and Luz are already out the door.

'Oh I just love the feeling of the first few drops of rain in my hair."Luz sighs happily.

"I bet you too little buddy."I say to a random flower when a drop of ACID RAIN makes the flower wilt.

"AGGHGHG!!!"Me and Luz both scream, hurrying to get back under the roof as Eda screams"Boiling rain,everyone get back inside now!!"and proceeds to pull both me and Luz inside. She also states that that was close and thanks the titan that we didn't get hurt even though she practically threw us on King's demon encyclopedia thing.

A few minutes later.

King wraps a bandaid on both me and Luz's arm as we both got hit by the rain a bit.He also puts a bandaid on his snout and proclaims that we are boo boo buddies which Luz squeals "ohmygosh I love you!" And I just squeak with delight.

"Man boiling rain on the boiling isles,the weather here is so fun!"I exclaim with delight.

"Yeah we don't have weather,we have plagues,gorenadoes,shale hail,painbows.-"Eda was saying before King explained"Yeah,it's like a rainbow,but just looking at it will make you turn inside out." Which Lux then proceeds to hide inside her hoodie.

"So until the boiling rain stops,I need to make a shield large enough to cover the whole house so Hooty stops complaining.So no one is allowed outside tonight."Eda remarks.

"Yeah and if the boiling rain doesn't get you,the snaggleback will.They wander the rain eating boiled tourists.But Eda doesn't think they're real."King mentions.

"Yeah,cause they're not."Eda remarks with a hair flick while also using magic to make an orb thingy that she's rotating and making a small forcefield above her own head.She then finishes the spell and basically bubblewrapped the house with a glowy honey like colored shield.

"Wow.Someday,I'd like to be as powerful as the Owl Lady."Luz states.

"Same.She's smart, sassy, and surprisingly foxy for her age."I remark awestruck with Edas prowess.

"Wait why do they call you the Owl Lady anyways?"Luz asks.

"Cause I'm wise."Eda brags.

"Cause she coughs up rat bones."Hooty interjects.

"I think it's because she likes shiny objects."King also interjects.

"No I don't."Eda replies as King grabs a pen with a gem on top that you can turn on and make it shiny which king does.

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