Watching and Dreaming Part 2

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What happened?

Where am I?

I saw mom,and Hunter,and then...

What happened next?


It was a dream!

And I woke up!

I jolt up,looking around me.

Luz did the same thing.

We were on some sort of rubix cube like playground.

We looked around and saw puppets on strings tormenting King and Eda.

Their eyes were glowing a yellow too.

So their still dreaming,huh.

Me and Luz looked at each other and nodded,grabbing a light glyph and waking King and Eda up.

The puppets stopped moving and were lifted up.

King jumped back,surprised.

"Weh?Luz?Y/n?LUZ!Y/N!!!"King yelled,jumping into Luz's arms.

"Hey buddy!"Luz laughed.

"Is this real?Is that y/n and Luz?"Eda murmured.

"Are you both really here?"Eda luaghed,coming to me for a hug.

The moment she embraced me,I started crying.

I missed her.

I missed King.

I missed my witch family.

"Get over here you witches!"Luz smiled.

Eda and I both got into the group hug and laughed a bit,feeling glad to see each other after so long.

Eda kissed everyone's forhead,making sure we knew we were loved.

Our heartfelt moment was soon interupted by a very familiar 2 colored kid.

Seriously though?

Blue and yellow?

Sun and moon?

Kinda cool.

Not gonna lie.

"Ah!I never thought I'd see you 2 again!How did you get back to the demon realm?"Eda asked,tears still in her eyes.

"It's a VERY long story.I wouldn't know where to begin."Luz started.

"Well,Belos got to the human realm."I explained.

"There was what?!!"Eda and King yelled.

"Then he tried to kill us all,failed,opened a portal,closed on us,I opened it with my blood,got to demon realm,got to school,kikimora tried to kill us,we teleported to the skull,then Collector made us all be in a nightmare,gotta say,hes good at scaring people."I finished.

"Kiki was a lot to deal with."Luz added.

"I can imagine."King sighed.

He must've dealt with her a few times.

"ait a minute."I started.

'How did that happen?!"Luz finished,pointing to Eda's MISSING ARM!!!

"Uh,that's a shorter story.Oh!Is that your palisman?"Eda starts,looking at Stringbean.

Owlbert pops up and hoots at the snakeshifter happily.

Stringbean makes a snake sound back.

I smile sadly,remembering my palisman.

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