Elsewhere and Elsewhen

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Luz was trying to figure out what was missing in the portal door.

She saw the echo mouse running in it's little cage,not going anywhere and Luz sypmathized with the thing.

I felt bad for Luz too,but I literly couldn't go back.

My moms dead,and if I went back,she would have to deal with 4 kids.

Camila doesn't need all that stress.

That's also why I haven't told Luz about my mom yet.

I don't want her to worry about it,and be sad that I won't go with her...,back to the human realm.

Me and Luz hear Hooty talking and some glass clinking against each other

We look at each other,before going downstairs to see what the commotion was.

Luz and I see Lilith,Steve(Who looks at me with a smile under his mask),Morton,King,Eda,Gwen,and someone who I've seen in the emperors coven.

I don't know her name though.

Hooty had made a toast for Lilith becoming the new assistant director of the Supernatural Museum of History.

"Awww,Hooty,did me and y/n miss Lilith's toast?I'm sorry.'Luz looks a bit guilty and sad.

I did too.

Lilith was basically my cool aunt,much as she thinks she isn't cool.

"Yup,but not the a-pellet-tizers"Hooty offers a n owl pellet thing.

Me and Luz decline,hiding our disgust.

Hooty is great,but he sure is weird.

Me and Luz asked Hooty where Lilith was.

We still wanted too congragulate her.

Suddenly,awhip-like thing appeared and took an owl pellet.

Specifically,one that was still moving.

The woman I didn't quite recognize told Lilith that she couldn't stay much longer,as she had to go on her next adventure.

I could tell Lilith was jelous and uncomfortable.

Ever since my curse has gotten under better control,I've been more observant.

It's both a good and a bad thing.

The woman has left already.

I had zoned out again,ha.

Lilith was angry and trying to say something that would prove that she's just as cool.

Luz tried to tell her she is,but had troubles,making Lilith feel worse.

I gave Luz a look.

Lilith stormed off into the house too try and do something 'exciting'.

Seeing Lilith so unhappy made me want to cry.

She was there for me while she was in the coven.

We were able to vent to each other.

She trusted me.

That trust fell a bit when she realized I was spying and Living with Eda,but we still trust each other a lot.

A few hours passed.

Luz went to her bedroom,while I went on Penstagram.

She burst in my room saying that Eda told her that there is a possible thing called time pools.

Eda told Luz that they were windows into the past,but that they are never in the same spot twice,which is why they are so hard to find if they are real.

The Owl house(Hunter/GoldenGuardXReader)Where stories live. Discover now