For the Future Part 3

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We had to walk.


Because of some weird stars?

Let me let Matt tell what happened.

"Since the Golden Guard,I mean Hunter,told us about the emperors plan for the Day of Unity,Principal Bump allowed students and teachers to camp out at Hexside."Someone started.

I wasn't around my fellow students for months.

And I was too busy focusing on other things.

Cut me some slack for forgetting.

"We thought we could handle whatever the emperor threw at us,but when the draining spell hit,we realized things wouldn't be so simple.After the adults recovered from whatever that glowy stuff coming from those sygils,_""That's when the Collectors spies showed up.The Grudgby team snuck out and tried to hold them back,but..."Skara paused,allowing Matt to continue.

"It didn't work.Bump and the adults and some of our friends were turned into these weird puppet things and taken away.We've been hiding here ever since.And somewhere along the way,I went from being Mattholomue,...too Mantholomue."Matt rubbed his chim,which was a little fuzzy.

Camila started giggling and me and Gus looked at him weirdly.

I started outright laughing my ass off.

"What?"Matt looked at me.

"Mantholomue?Lame.And your not that different.At all."I cackled.hitting matts arm softly.

He glared at me.

"Naw.I'm just messing with you dude.But never call yourself that ever again."I give him a cringed look.

"Shh."Skara suddenly spoke.

Everyone hid by some bushes and one of those star things flew by.

We picked up our pace and got to the school in no time.

"We did a little redorating these past few months,so let me welcome you...New Hexside!"Skara opened the door.

Hexside was fortified,a little messy,and slightly chaotic.

Who's in charge?

"This does not smell great."Hunter mumbled.

"I can agree with that."I scoff.

A fire ball almost hit Willow.

Whoever's in charge,is bad at their job.

Camila saw the little kids attacking a stuffy.

Sorry,but this is mostly normal.


"This is all normal Camila.For the most part anyways.The little kids were not"I inhale.

Camila nods.

We came up to a statue of principal bump on a skateboard.

I was so proud.

"Awwwww.This is amazing."I laugh.

This is some kind of respect.


Camila pointed that out too.

A lot of students started whispering and talking amongst themselves,and Viney came up to Willow and asked for help with rouge plants.

Some asked who the tall Luz was,and who that foxy me was.

I started growling.

Too many people,and too much camotion.

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