An Enchanting Grom.

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"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!I'M SO EXCITED FOR GROOOOOOM!"Some kid screamed as me and Luz go to talk to Willow and Gus.

"Willow!Gus!What is happening?"Luz questions.

"Grom is happening."Willow and Gus say excitedly before the intercom turns on and Amity walks over listening.

"Our Grom queen iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis.... AMITY BLIGHT!!"

Everyone looks at a terrified Amity.

"YEAH AMITY!YOU GO GIRL!"Luz encourages before Amity runs away.I run after her missing Willows explanation.

"AMITY!WAIT UP"I yell before giving up and going to class.

It was Bard,which is one of my favorite tracks.And the track I'm best at.Other then Beast Keeping that is.

Lunch time.Me and Luz check out the party-fied the gym.

"OOOH!O red button!I'm gonna push it."Luz smiles mischievously and pushes a red button which makes a weapons rack appear.

"Ooh weapons."I chuckle before I hear Amity say that's for Grom.

"The Grom Queen is supposed to defeat Grom,short for Grometheous the fear bringer every year,and that is me this year."Amity sighs sadly.

"Wow really?I wish I could do that."I mumble.

Amity hears me and smiles.

"You could talk to Bump and try to get out of fighting the fear bringer."Luz states,ever the optomist.

"Thanks Luz.And...that's a good idea,see you later."Amity smiles,walking away.

We hear the snaggleback about to puke and book it.

At the End of the school day.I had tripped and hit my arm at and awkward angle and it still hurt.

I was outside the Owl House taking in the fresh acidy air when Luz walks out a little pin k mumbling something about her totally being able to take on Grom.

"I agree with you Luz.You may need some help depending on what Grom shows you,but you could totally do it.LET ME HELP!!!!I want to smash this thing to the ground!"I grin with murder on my mind.

Me and Luz talk about Grom while walking around a path in the forest when we hear something rustle in the background.

Luz garbs a large stick and mumbles that she is not afraid and that she is a bad boy before swinging the stick like a bat and hitting...Amity?

"OW!"Amity yells before stating "Oh.It's you guys."

"Oh my titan!Amity are you ok?I'm so sorry!"Luz apologizes profusely.

"Did Bump say yes?"I ask Amity.

"No!He said someone would have to switch with me,and no one wants to do that."Amity sighs.

"We would."Luz states.


"Me and Luz would totally fight Grom for you.It would be good practice."I say in good nature.

"REALLY?!I would be so grateful!Thank you."Amity gratefully thanks the two of us before Luz yells and smashes her head in the mud to get a spider off.

Amity does not look thrilled.

I watch as Luz is facing a few of her fears.(The Blight twins were helping Luz practice.)

"Why aren't you doing anything y/n?"Luz whines.

"I don't have any fears that i'm truly scared of.AT least not any I am aware of."

"Ah.Also should I wear my bumblebee witch dress that says witch with a dark side?Or should I wear my otter onesie that says otter...with a dark side."Luz grins.

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