Clouds on the Horizon

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Our 2 days had passed and we were all stressed.

Especially Luz.

And me.

Amity's pov.One day earlier.

"I was devastated to hear of your demotion kikimora."Odalia mocked scornfully.

"Please stop talking to me."Kiki mumbled.

"Personally,I like you better than that turn cloak Golden Guard.Him and his little girlfriend make me mad.If only there was a way to show Belos your true worth."Odalia smiled cruelly.

"'If only there was a way to show Belos your true---mmmmmm."Kiki grumbled,snapping her fingers to take the shipment of abomatrons to the head.

Odalia waved goodbye.

Me and my siblings popped out from where we were hiding a bit.

"She won't believe you."Emira singed.

"Even if she did,she wouldn't care."Edric exclaimed.

"Well,someone has to tell mom about the Draining spell.Or else,she and dad are helping Belos hurt people.huh!"I gasp at the end,pulling the twins down as to not be spotted.

"I've got that little gremlin on the hook.She'll be a perfect test subject for our new product."Mom sings happily.

"Don't you think it's a little odd that they need this much security for the Day of Unity?Perhaps..we should reconsider this deal."Alador(aka dad) stated,a bit weirded out by the Belos thing.

"Blight's always uphold their end of the deal,dear.Or should I reconsider ours?It might be time for the kids to play a more active role in Blight Industries.I could start the paperwork right now."Odalia threatened.

Dad said nothing and started to walk away.

Mom followed with a grimace.

"Hey guys.Dad might listen."I smile before turning around to see the twins not their.

I get up with a 'I cot caught' face and looked up.

"Hiding behind trash,Amity?To think my children are so painfully predictable in their deceit.You're grounded."Mom frowned.

My siblings had a sad look on their face and I was angry.

y/n's pov.At the CATS base.present time.Day before the Day of Unity.

Me and Luz were sitting on the bunk bed we had slept on for the past two days.

Luz took out her mochi thing and re-looked at the messages Amity had sent her two days ago.

Eda came up and asked what kind of language was that,refering to what was displayed on the mochi thing.

I still don't know what to call Luz's thing.

"The language of love Eda.But,it's unfinished.It just says grounded,come quick.And then nothing."Luz frowned as she stood up and explained.

Eda put her hand on Luz's shoulder and frowned a bit.

I got up as well,looking at the device myself.

"Hey guys!Special delivery.Tada!!!"King sings,setting a box filled with actual scout masks down and holding one up.

"Ooooh!"Luz exclaims.

"Disguises!Yes!A milestone of my malfeasance in my new life of crime."Lilith beamed.

"This is just a trick to get me to wear clothes!Well it won't work!!!!"Hooty yells.

I snicker a bit.

"Anything else I can do?Grab some tea?Defeat some baddies?Create sentient life?I am a Titan--""Totally frightened?Hah!Yeah,me too pal.I know you wanna help,but we gotta keep this stuff a secret between the six of us for now.You may be a Titan,but your still a little guy."Eda explains,walking away afterwords.

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