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DISCLAIMER:There will be some mentions of self hate and wishing to have been warned:

I woke up in Hunter's arms.

I first thought 'Why am I here?'.

But then I remembered everything that happened yesterday.

I froze,but didn't cry.

I sat there,shaking,and staring at the bed sheets that were over me and Hunter.

I could tell my curse was starting to affect me,but I didn't do anything about it.

I had no elixirs,and I didn't have the energy to try and rummage through Hunters room.

Nor would I do that.

Invasion  of privacy much.

Hunter groaned and moved in his sleep.

I looked at him.

He looked so tired and sad.

I frowned.

Why did I come here?

Why did I come and act like this towards Hunter?

I don't deserve his kindness and consolation.

I don't deserve anything.

I left my mom.

I let her die without seeing me.

I left her alone.

And I hate myself for that.

I slowly get off the bed and sit down on the floor,not having the energy to do anything else.

I sit there,staring at the floor.

My curse tried to speak to me,but I shoved it away,not wanting to talk.

I heard Hunter moving again in his sleep.

He started snoring softly.

I wanted to chuckle slightly at that,but couldn't.

Grief was all I could feel.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to scream into a pillow.

I wanted to hurt someone.

I wanted to die.

It should have been me to get hit,not my mother.

She didn't deserve that.

She hates me and I hate her for what she's done,but I still grieved her death.

I shouldn't have.

She didn't deserve my sorrow.

But yet she did.

I left her,without her even knowing.

A tear drop on the floor and I watch it splat.

A few hours pass and I sit like that.

Uncomfortable and sad,feeling so depressed.

Hunter's POV.

I hear shuffling and some weight off me.

I ignore it and go back to sleep.

Hours pass and I drift in and out of sleep until I heard sniffling.

I get up and look around.

I see y/n trying not to cry,and she wasn't.

Her eyes were red and puffy,probably from previous crying.

The Owl house(Hunter/GoldenGuardXReader)Where stories live. Discover now