Watching and Dreaming Part 3

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Somewhere in the archives of the crown.

Hunter and Amity both slowly etched out a light glyph,waking up.

Hunters pov

"Huh!Oh my gosh.It worked!"Amity smiled.

I got up as the others did as well.

"Miss Lilith?"Amity questioned.

We all looked around and Gus screamed,yelling where the heck are we.

"These must be the archives."Willow stood up,looking around.

"Camila!Willow!Help me get her down!"Gus yelled,also getting up.

"Guys?Where's Luz?"Amity frowned,getting scared.

"And y/n?Wheres my girfriend?"I start to panic.

Where's Luz and y/n?

Are they safe?

Were they taken?

Back at the Owl House,Y/n's pov

We all flew down and reached the Owl House.

I wasn't really paying much attention,as I was way to exhausted to really think straight.

I sat down as Eda examined her slightly covered in artwork house.

And as Luz and King explained how we all came here and met.

I take in a few deep breaths.

I'm tired,I feel this sick feeling something very bad is going to happen,and I'm worried about Hunter,and my friends.

Eda got my attention and said we were flying again.

I nodded and poofed my wings,springing up into the air and flying to the grudgby court.

Ah yessssssss.

Where Hunter made friends and I got punched in the face by many things.

People,demons,flaming balls with eyes.

Peaceful times,peaceful times.

I noticed that the Collector spotted something as Eda,Luz,and King were talking.

I follow the Collector as he tries to say hi to hiding people.

Luz and everyone else there followed me as we all saw the kids running away.

I sigh.

The Collector explained that he wanted to go somewhere else,and we listened,flying to the knee.

The place where me and Luz learned how to draw the ice glyph.

Wait,was I there that day?

or was I 'working'.

I don't know anymore.

My thoughts are waaaay too scrambled right now.

Luz showed the Collector how We do magic,and he called us a baby.

Or at least said that a baby could do an ice glyph.

And then proceeded to call us itty bitty spiders and was impressed by how we did spells.

He also said that not everyone can recognize titan magic and that the titan must really like us if he showed us this much.And that he wasn't told anything about it.

We all looked at each other.

"Did you force him to be your friend to?Like uh,what are their names.Lilith and Amity?"The collector asked us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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