Palisman,Humans,and Witches Oh MY

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"We have to steal palisman from the Bat Queen?But I don't want to steal palisman at all."I whine knowing that I will have too anyways.

"Too bad.If we don't do our job,we will get in trouble and the emperor is not a merciful man."Hunter reasons harshly.

"You always say that Hunter,yet Belos doesn't do anything except yell at us when something goes wrong."

"Just trust me,ok y/n.?"

"FIiiiiiiiiiiNE!But you still haven't answered my question of why I was In your room."I question reluctantly.

A few days ago.

"uuuugh.I feel like i'm about t-"I almost fully say before running to the bathroom that was in this unfamiliar room.

"*cough*Ugh *cough*!"

I stop puking long enough to breath for a sec.I felt like I had inhaled and eaten the worst tasting and smelling thing In this world.I wish I had toblerone. Why am I thinking of that?Bad timing y/n.

I hear someone wake up and run to the bathroom to see what the noise was.

"Y/n?Oh my titan.Are you okay?"Hunter asked obviously worried.

"No,I am not ok. I feel like shit,I want to sleep,and for whatever reason,I want chocolate.This is the WORST I've felt in a long time.Fuck my life.Ugh!"I yell before puking again.

Hunter helps hold my (h/l hair length and h/c hair color) hair.

I appreciate his help,but also hate him for it.I hate people seeing me cry or be vulnerable in any way.

I also had one of my nightmares again.This time it wasn't the dragon chasing me.This time,the dragon was showing me a memory.A memory of my dad.

I was playing in the garden in the backyard when my father came to me holding some type of scroll.He called me over.I ran to him with flowers in hand and gave them to dad.He smiled and uttered something I couldn't hear.I remember getting the worst migraine I have ever had in my life.I started crying and crying about how my head hurts and how everything hurts.Dad just sat there,consoling me until I fell asleep in his arms.But before I fell asleep.I read one word of the scroll.Curse.

My dad did curse me.I was right to know that I was cursed.Which also means that I am a half-blood of a witch and a human.And my mother had found out.And then I woke up.

I stopped puking and me and Hunter just sat their while I had my eyes closed,trying to not cry.

"I'll be back.I have some tea that will help with your headache."Hunter said before leaving the room and grabbing some tea.

I slowly sit up until I notice SCALES up my arms.How Hunter didn't see them,I don't know,But I need to get to Eda before he does see.But I'm in no condition to walk out of here.If he sees,he sees.

Hunter comes back into the room and gives me the tea while sitting me down on a bed ,I presume his.

"So,why am I not in the healing room and in what I think is your room?"

"Well...the healing coven sadi it would be better if you stayed with me?"Hunter obviosly lied as his voice rose a pitch with every word.

"And that is a lie.You are not THAT squeaky.If you wanted to make sure I was ok and comfortable,you can just say that.You just saw me puke.That is more embarassing then you bringing me to your room to take care of me."I grumble,feeling sick but better than before.

"Also,could you drop me off near the forest?I need to get home.E- my mom will be very worried."

"Why can't I just drop you at your house?"Hunter asks.

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