Before the Parade

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Me and Luz had left everyone trying to learn spanish.

And failing.

I understood their pain.

I can't speak spanish,but I can a little french and German.

Very little.

Everything has been stressful.

Me and Luz haven't found anything to get back to the demon realm.

The witches are feeling homesick.

Mr.Williams has met everyone and was so happy to know about them.

He's actually helped them out when it comes to learning about the human realm.

And Amber.

She's been mean.

She keeps bringing up my mother and father's death.

I'm getting sick of it.

But it doesn't matter.

P/n and Flapjack have been weird.

They've been pecking at the flooring of the cabin we have finally fixed up.

At least they helped us get rid of all the possum nests.

That was hectic.

Also,Luz painted Hooty on the door.

I don't know what's up with that.

At least school is almost over for the day.

I just want to sleep for five days and be in the demon realm.

It was less stressful there.

Well,more or less.

"Hey!Pay attention y/n!"Mr Bock yelled at me,getting my attention.

"Sorry Mr.Bock.I didn't mean to zone out."I apologize.

"Your fine.Anyways,back to what I was saying.'Foes vanquished,he trod the shores of his fatherland,family by his side,finally at peace.'"The teacher read from the book.

Luz was looking at the palisman egg while the teacher was talking about the brothers who founded our town,Philip and Caleb.

Fucking prick.

Doesn't deserve his fame.

"This epic ends with the homecoming of not just a man,but a hero."Mr.Bock finished.

I growl,standing up angrily.

Luz stays down a bit.

As I was about to say something,Luz spoke up.

"Hero?Everywhere he went,people ended up suffering."Luz stated sadly.

"It does get bleak,but no one said his mission would be easy.And when you take into account the ripple affects of his actions..."Mr.Bock smiled.

"Who cares about the ripple affects?"Luz slammed her fist down,getting the attention of everyone.

"He was just a pawn in someone else's game.A-and he was never smart enough to realize it.If his friends and family knew about his mission,they'd know that their lives would never had been in danger if it weren't for him.They should hate his guts,and everyone should wish he never existed!"Luz yelled,standing on her desk.

Everyone stared at her like she was a crazy person.

I take a deep breath,and give Luz a look to get off the desk.

"What Luz means to say is that Philip is a lying crazy Bitch."I seeth,sitting down.

"Language!And what do you mean by that?It's not like you met him."Amber giggled.

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