Shopping and the basilisks new look

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A few weeks after getting a sundae,we all needed to go shopping.

We went to a thrift shop,because thrifting is fun.

Everyone grabbed funny things.

Gus grabbed a puffy jacket and a couple other things and made himself look like a ganster.

Willow grabbed skates and looked like a 1980s or 2000 kind of style.

Amity looked like a 'normal' witch.

And Hunter dressed in a red chicken costume to look like flapjack.

I laugh at that.

Camila gave a pained smile.

Oh her wallet.

I smile and tell her that ill help them.

She gives me a grateful look.

I hand everyone something they'd both look just fine in,and that they would like.

Everyone found about 4 outfits that you can mix and match to make more.

I found a few things as well.

Everyone was a lot happier with what I found for them and smiled.

They looked a lot more,normal.

Boiling isles stuff is fine to wear here,but a little weird.

Vee and eleven showed us our new form.

Vee was adorable and had her basilis ears out but covered by same colored hair that was adorable.

Her eyes were more her normal eyes too,and her sking was a slightly grayish but lovely light and dark tan.

And she was wearing an orange wit a small pumpkin shirt and black leggings.

Brown boots as well.

She was adorable!

And more Vee like.

Eleven was a basilik simaler in color to Vee.

But elevens eyes were a beautiful green with black,in her new and normal form.

When eleven was in basilik form,she had a lighter stomach than vee,but a darker outer coloring than vee.

So that was the hair color.

Lighter than vee's blue and green hair,but slightly darker skin.

Elevens hair was linger but still messy in an adorable way.

Her outfit was also and orange dress a bit lighter than vee's shirt.

(I'll draw eleven soon enough.I just need motivation.)

Eleven was also wearing tights with little bats on them and boots simaler to vee's boots.

Vee and Eleven were very simaler,yet also very different.

I mean,they are sisters.

Or twins.

I don't know anymore.

Camila squealed in delight and happiness,accepting the beautiful new looks of her kids.

We all bought everything and went home.

Everyone talked about their clothes and basically tried everything on.

We were all giggling messes.

Especially me.

I have never seen teenagers act like this.

Or at least not this in awe and amazed.

It was nice.

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