King's Tide

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Me and King were floating in the dream world again,listening to the kid in this realm.

"But--but you said.You said you would let me out.I hate it here!"The kid yelled.

"Just a little longer.We have to wait until after the Draining Spell."Belos stated.

Me and King gave each other a look before floating in the direction of the voice.

We saw the same interesting sphere thing with the silohouete of the kid again.

"You better not be fibbin.You pinky swore me."the kid glared.

That's the Collector!I see it now!

"Patience Collector.You can trust me."Belos grimaced.

"Psssh!"King scoffed.

"Yeah right!Fucking lying bitch!"I yell.

"Hmm!Who's there!!"The kid yelled.

The sudden yelling scared both me and King so much,we woke up in fright.

I woke up in the glowing sphere taking us to Belos.

'Calm down y/n.We're almost there."Luz smiled.

Her smile looked forced and tired.

I nodded my head,my nerves going cold.

King's pov.

I woke up extremely scared on Willows lap.

That kid is scary whether he means to be or not.

"It's okay King,it's okay."Willo comforted me.

I looked around and saw Gus sitting on a crate,Amity pacing,and Alador and Hunter at the front.

The palisman were all snuggled up together,shivering.

p/n was there too.

Gus was looking at the thing he stole from graye.

Hunter pulled a lever on the ship,piloting it slightly.

Alador was at the wheel however.

Hunter pulled a different lever.

"I know how to fly a ship."Alador glared.

"Then fly faster!We're barely halfway there.Luz and y/n could be in trouble!"Amity yelled.

"Maybe if I took the wheel..."Hunter worried.

"Very eager to return to Belos,eh,Golden Guard?"Alador seethed.

"At least I never built him an army!"Hunter yelled.

"Watch your tone with me young man!"Alador let go of the whell slightly,making the ship start to flip a bit.

Everyone started to wobble,and Gus almost fell.

"Whoa!Het.Here's a bright idea.Don't distract the pilot."Gus scowled.

"He started it!"Hunter whined.

"Everything that happened..""How is it that i'm the youngest here!?...""Can't believe"Everyone except for me and Willow started arguing.

"I ca't believe they're going to face Belos alone again.And I'm powerless to help them.We can't even manage to help each other."I frown miserably.

Willow frowns as well and nods to her palisman,who was now on her finger.

It squeaked and flew to the other palisman,telling them something.

They all pushed a crate near the arguing group of people.

The Owl house(Hunter/GoldenGuardXReader)Where stories live. Discover now