A Bad Day in Bonesburough.

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I woke up earlier then usual.

I want to take a walk,but I'm tired.

Eh I need to get out after what happened last night.

I shudder at the thought.

Too much fruitiness.

I go downstairs and grab a cup of apple blood.

It's become a rutine.

Normally I would have a cup with Eda before Luz gets up but not tonight.

"Hey kid.What are you doing up so early?"Eda asks,coming downstairs.

"Hey Eda.I woke up earlier than normal,so I was gonna go on a walk?"I ask.

"Go ahead.Thanks for telling me though."Eda smiles before grabbing some blood for herself.

"Thanks.I'll be going now."I say,drinking the last of my blood and rinsing the cup in the sink before leaving.

"Bye.Have fun,and be careful."Eda smiles.

I leave the house walking places randomly,but still making sure I was taking in my surroundings.

I was now in the Night Market.

Wow.this is really cool,but I understand why you need to be careful.

Gangs,untrustworthy business people,sketchy men getting sloshed.

I shudder.

I started feeling really uncomfortable.

I had a feeling like this when I was younger.

A dude was watching me and was about to try and talk to me when I ran and hugged my very angry dad.

The dude was trying to scoop me up and take me away to do who knows what.

I felt paranoid.

I'm probably just overthinking things.

I should get out of here soon anyways,so whatever.

I was about to leave when a gruff,smely old witch(smelled dirty and like a beer of sorts)approached me.

Great.As if I didn't have enough happen to me yesterday.

"Hey pretty girl,want to 'hang' with me and my buddies?"He grinned,slightly advancing on me.

"No.Now leave me alone."I state camly but firmly.

"Aw,Why not?A pretty girl like you needs to be near some handsome and strong men like me."He smirked.

"No."I spoke,getting slightly annoyed.

I started walking away when the dude grabbed my wrist.

"I said you should hang with us,pretty girl."He forced.

"No.And don't call me 'pretty girl' asshole."I frowned.

That was a mistake.

The dude started yelling and pulling on me.

No one said anything,nor did anyone even notice.

The dudes grip was strong,and I didn't want to use magic in fear of my curse acting up.

I start panicking.

"Sir.Please let me go."I squeak,trying to sound calm and collected.

"Naw.I wanna 'hang' with a pretty girl.Like you."The man grins,pulling me away from the 'exit'of the Night Market.

I start struggling a bit to get away,continuiosly asking the man to let me go.

I was getting more and more freaked out.

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