Agony of a Witch

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I wake up hours before Luz to hear Hooty doing his really weird snore.

"hoot hoot hoot hoot ndhjujbxdbfsnghgb,hoot hooooooooooot!Sleepwalking sleepwalking.Sleephooting!"Hooty suddenly yells before I see him just push into the ground and attack a coven scout that was trying to surround the house.

I didn't even notice them myself.Nice work Hooty.


oof.well her head hurts for sure now.

I watch Hooty bonk Lilith on the head before attacking other coven scouts,almost like this is a game to him.

Watching him fight is very entertaining.

I feel bad for Lilith though.

Even though she can be very obsessive,I look up to her a lot.She's one of the few people I know that is quite nice to me.

Like an aunt of some sort,which I guess she is being Eda's sister.

Luz wakes up and we both get changed into our school uniform.

We walk downstairs and we both see a pot of what Luz just says"Magic spaghetti!"

"That is not food.That is witches wool,a powerful wool that repels powerful spells.Any witch worth something should have these."Eda explains,swatting Luz's hand away from the pot.

"I want a magic cape."Luz whines.

"Sorry.But I need this for my own protection.The emperor's goons are stepping up,and really becoming a hassle."

"I think I see why the emperor wants you so badly...He's got the hots for you doesn't he."Luz chides while making o weird shipping face.

"No I don't think it's that Luz.Plus that was the Warden that had the hots,not emperor."I chime in.

"Eggzactly kiddo.Emperor Belos just wants to control wild magic through his coven system.He ordered my capture years ago because I refuse to fall in line."Eda frowns.

"And he won't stop until he has you."Luz states quietly.

"Hey don't look so down you two.I am a master escape artist and the only thing that could slow me down is my curse,and that hasn't bothered me for weeks."Eda remarks before a floof of feathers appears instantaniously.

"Uh oh."Eda states before turning into the Owl beast.

"King go get the elixir."Luz yells.

I was about to say something when my horns started getting a lot larger and scales ran up my arm and legs rapidly.

"Make that two King!And quick."I yell.

I black out to see my father yelling at my mom and vice versa.

"Oh great.I'm getting tired of this dragon!Why do you keep on showing me these?!"I question,slightly panicky.

Just before I hear a party of the argument that I never get to hear.I snap back to the real world,remembering that my dad is dead and can't do anything.

My hand is tightly holding Eda's and Eda is touching Luz's face.

"Thanks Luz.That could've been bad."Me and Eda both remark at the same time.

"And those?"We both question.

"Oh no.With me needing elixirs now,and you needing way more.This is getting bad.Your curse isn't taking these as well,and I'm already starting to get to the point of needing and elixir a day!"i freak out,not wanting my better mom to be injured or harmed in any way.

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