Watching and Dreaming Part 1

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The ground started to shake and we all got grabbed by these weird pink ropes.

We all screamed as we were pulled up,and a bright white light made us pass out.

Small time skip.

"Ugh."I groan.

"What happened?We were all about to enter the archives."Luz spoke.

I swear I heard a dude yell hey,but I couldn't tell.

"Hey!"He yelled again.

I def heard that.

"We were just about to rescue Eda and King."Luz added.

"Luz!The Human!Y/n!The Tri-Hybrid!"The man yelled.

He knows our rumored respect weird names?

"You have to wake up."Me and Luz gasped when we saw the King like face.

Luz's pov.


I hear that heartbeat.

Isn't this Belos's throne room?

"How did I get here?!"I yell,very confused.

I then look at myself,and see that i'm weiring the same thing Belos wears.

"AGH!!!What is this?Is-is this a dream?"I yell,falling on the floor.

I hear a chirp and feel a soft bite on m,y ear,looking to see stringbean.

"ow,Stringbean!It's you.You sweet little power noodle.I'm so happy to see you.Are mama and the pthers ok?"I ask.

Stringbean squeaks a worried no.

I get up and wander the halls of the caslte,remembering how to get out.

Which was easy enough,i did try and pull a heist here.

And did pull a heist here.

And got imprisoned here for a bit.

I freed prisoners.

Wow,I did a lot here.

I notice that some of the murals on the glass windows had me in them.


I look around fro any people who were gonna try and attack,then spot the exit and run out onto the platform that leads to solid ground.

"Where is everyone?"I question before going to the edge and looking down,only to see the people from school and townsfolk trapped in stone.

I gasp and back up.

"No!No no no!Wh-when did this happen?!"I yell in fright.

"Don't you remember?"Amity speaks up.

I look at the other end of the platform and see my beautiful cotton candy haired girlfriend,staring at the ground with pure hatred for me.

"This is all your doing.You helped Belos meet the collector.Your actions led to this!You've been the real villian this whole time!!"Amity turns to me and yells,her crying at the same time.

I don't like this.

I thought they understood what happened.

And that this wasn't entirely my fault,or at least they knew and understood that Belos manipulated me and y/n.

Speaking of,where is she?

I didn't see her with the statues.

"Wha?Listen!I-I don't know what I missed,but i'd never do this!See?"I plead,throwing the cape on my back away from me.

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