A Golden Guards Apprentice

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It is my first day as Goldie's apprentice and I'm quite excited.I do feel kinda bad for spying but I also want to kick the emperor's stupid sorry ass. Belos just seems off.


"EEEEEEk"I squeek with excitement.I CAN'T wait!

 "Hey!Overly excited witch!When we get inside put this on.It's your uniform.That way people will know who you are and will refer to you as the Silver Guard."Goldie explains with a hint of please hurry we have things to do.

"OF course!What are we doing today?" I ask happily.

"We are going to just fight each other for today.I want to know how far along you are with your abilities and how well you can fight."The Golden Guard stops and then tells you to change in a room we just stopped at.He also told me to hurry.I put on the uniform and examine myself in the mirror.Dang girl,I look hot as a Guard.

What my y/n looks like in uniform

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What my y/n looks like in uniform.Without the mask covering her face.just the face covering.

"Hey goldie.What do you think?Do I look hot?~"I joke around with the Golden Guard but notice that he tensed up a bit when you asked him if you were hot."Yo goldie.Lighten up a bit I was just joking."I smile.

Goldie seemed to appreciate that as he didn't look so tense.

"You look fine.Better than I thought you would wearing that outfit but that's not important right now,so please talk to me in a more professional way?"He asks in a tired tone.

"Hmmmmm...Naw,you need some friends and I'm going to be your first.Not to be rude,but I don't think you have any."I state firmly.

"W-what!?No!We are supposed to just work,If we become friends,both of us may get destracted from our work and emper-""Oh shush,It's perfectly normal to take a break and hang with people.And if Belos says anything,I will be the one to say it was my fault for distracting you,K?"I plead, looking at Goldie with stars in my eyes.

"Fine.Now move along we have a lot to do."Goldie states hurriedly.

"Ey ey sir Goldie Guard."I joke.

Me and the Golden Guard start briskly walking towards an arena type area that looks perfect for training people.

"Attack me."Goldie says quickly.

"WHAT!?But I don't wan-AAAckk!"I yell before quickly dodging the Golden Guards attack.

It seems like this is how we are going to train today.

I nimbly dodge each and every one of goldies attacks looking for a place to hit him were it hurts.I may not be the best at hitting,but I'm great at observing.He'll slip up at least once,and then I can get him.

I notice a spot near his hand.If I can get him to drop his staff and surprise him, I may Knock him down

y/n quickly front flips near Goldie and hits his hand with her foot,knocking his staff out of it.She then grabs his wrists and uses her own body weight to pull him over her head knocking him over and pinning him with her weight.

"Got you Goldie."y/n pants with a slight grin.

y/n then gets of goldie and helps him up in good sport.

"That was quite difficult.You barely left any good hit areas and I almost had to try actually hitting you."I say while making sure I didn't hurt him to bad.

"It's my job to make sure I don't get hit.Your just good at fighting."Goldie complement's.

"O-oh.Actually fighting isn't my strong suit.Can't get big dudes,if someone is too fast like you,I often have to back away from the fight,and If someone hits me just right or too hard,I just pass out from the pain, and these fighting abilities .I am good at wrapping a wound though."I explain with great confidence.(I wish I wasn't good with wounds speaking as they are always mine.And these fighting abilities must come with the turning witch thing. )

"Recently I have also been practicing a little bit of bard,abomination,and potions magic. Realizing I have been rambling about my interest I apologize to Goldie for talking so much.

"Your fine.Your quite interesting actually as you are basically learning everything. Which can be quite hard to do."Goldie complemented for the 2nd time today.

"Oh,Really?Thanks! I appreciate the complements!"I say happily.

y/n then embraces goldie in a very friendly and happy manner.

"H-HEY! What are you doing?!What is this?!"Goldie bristles at the touch and gestures of y/n.

y/n stops hugging hunter and exclaims"Whaaa?You don't know what a hug is?"

"No never heard of it."Goldie says obviosly annoyed.

"It's a way to show love and affection towards someone.Friends hug for many occasions,most of the time to just show their friend they care.lovers hug often for the same reason but also just to show affection.Some hugs to say hello or goodbye.Hugs vary."y/n explains in the best way she could.

"Then why did you hug me?And why does hugging require physical touch?"Goldie questions.

"I hugged you to tell you that I appreciate your complements."y/n states sadly."If I had known you didn't like hugs I wouldn't have hugged you.Sorry."y/n apologizes.

"No,your fine.It's just... new to me."Goldie states,slightly flustered from the fact that someone actually likes being around him and touched him in a kind manner.

y/n and goldie were interupted when a Guard came and requested help from the two of us as a wild witch was nearby and in a weakened state.

'But I don't want to hunt a wild witch.They just want to be free.But If I want to be fully trusted then...I have to help capture this witch.Even If I don't want to.

"Hey!y/n!Did you here me?We gotta go help!"Goldie  says while trying to get my attention.

"Huh?Oh yeah.Let's go!"I Speak with a grimace.

Goldie told me to hop on his staff and teleported to Nara,a very colorful town.The wild witch we caught was young,like 13 years old and she looked a t me with pleading eyes.I whispered a sorry and she knew I meant it.When we got back to the castle Hunter asked me if I was ok.

"Huh? yeah I'm fine.I just feel bad for that kid.All she wanted was to feel free.But it had to be done."I said before turning to go home.

"I'll see you tomorrow then y/n.Make sure to rest up."

"You too goldie."

I get back to the Owl House almost in tears. Eda notices somethings wrong and asks if I'm ok.I just tell her what happened.She understood how I was feeling and told me about her sister Lilith and how she's sad they grew apart.

I stay up all night thinking and practicing my magic,watching Luz as she read our Azura books.

1071 words ----------- 8/2/2022

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