Unjust Expulsion

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I woke up a little later than the other peoples that live in the Owl House.

I quickly change into my school outfit and run outside to see Eda fail at a glyph combo.

Lilith on the other hand,got the hang of glyph comboing right away.

Eda and Luz start to slightly argue when Hooty tells us that it is time for school.

"Alright bye everyone!And remember to master the basics first!"Lux yells,grabbing my arm and running to school.

We make it to school pretty quickly.

"O-k.This is the first day back at school after the petrification ceremony."Luz sighs worriedly.

"Yup.So lets try to be chill and not attract to much attention."I continue for Luz.

We enter Hexside and immediately see Willow and Gus.

They all run towards each other yelling and crying with joy,asking questions.

This is not chill Luz.

I smile watching them hug.

Amity suddenly came up to Luz and offered a 'fairy pie' in celebration of me and Luz coming back to Hexside.

"Oh!Wow!That sounds so...good?"Luz says hesitantly,seeing still alive fairies in the pie.

"I am so glad that we can just come back to a mostly normal school."I state,also complementing Gus's growth spurt.

"Smooth move Amity."I also whisper to Amity.

She reddens even more.

Suddenly the intercom went off.


"We most certainly can!We are the parent teacher association and we need Luz Noceda,Willow Park,Agustus Porter,and Y/n L/n,to report to the principals office NOW!And you too Amity."Odalia Blight yelled over the intercom.

"MOM!???"Amity yelled.

We all book it to Bumps office.

I knock on the door and Principal Bumps tells us to come in and sit down.

We listen to him.

"The abomination incident,the destruction of detention,the rampage of Grom!These are only a few of the incidents that have injured Hexside students!Including our daughter.So.The PTA has decided ehem!"Odalia frowned.

Amity scowled at her parents.

"Oh!Right.That these four are bad influences and must be executed."Alador finishes.

We all gasp in fear.

"I mean expelled."Alador corrects himself.

"Sadly,I have no choice in the matter.Luz,Willow,Gus,and y/n,you are hereby expelled from this school."Bump explains sadly.

"WHAT!?But us good!Amity,tell them!"Luz begs.

Amity just looks away,but I notice both her and her mothers necklace,glowed.


"Good.Now you'll be taking double the classes to make up for lost time.I'm actually appalled that you are not in class right now!Get going!"Odalia yells.

"Right.Sorry."Amity sighs as she gets up and leaves,looking pathetically sad.

Odalia snaps her fingers and the detention smelling people come and grab Luz,Willow,and Gus.

They get taken out of the room.

Right when the last smeller thing was about to grab me,I snapped my finger and it backed off leaving the room.

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