For the Future Part 1

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My head hurts.

Well,everything hurts after being taken over by Belos,but my head especially.

Me and Luz woke up in that same weird portal dimension we were in that one time.



Me and Luz looked at each other before looking up and seeing a weird glowing person.

He or whatever was running and panting.

We were about to investigate before someone pulled the both of us fully through the portal.

"WAAAHH!!"I yell,looking at the beautiful sky of the boiling ilses.

I felt Hunter hold me for a second too.

"Luz!You two were in there for so long,we thought you got stuck behind!"Amity worried over Luz.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"Hunter questioned,looking at me with sad and tired eyes.

"No,we're fine.We saw something,or someone.For all we know though,it was just in our heads.We are all stressed."I chuckle a bit.

And then I remember Belos.

Me and Luz quickly get up,and Luz asks if there is any sign of..him.

Aka bitch Belos.

Hunter retorted saying he would be long gone by now.

Camila states that Belos better stay out of our way,or else he gets Veangeance of the Latino Mother.

A truly painful delicacy.

"Now that is a fight I'd watch."Gus grins.

I giggle a little,before letting my wings out.

Just in case.

"Woah.I still get startled any time you do that."Camila backs up slightly so my wings don't hit her.

"Did they change a bit?Looks like you have four wings now.2 normal ones and then little small inner ones."Willow points out.

I take a glance at my wings and Willows right,they did change.

They honestly feel more powerful in a way.

My wings seem to be ever changing in a way.

One moment two powerful wings,and then another moment,four wings.

So strange.

Oh,I wish King was here.

We would start conspiring and wondering why this was happening together.

And my curse.

She hasn't done anything in a long time.

It's as if my curse is gone.

Willow notices the red grass of the boiling isles and gets extremely happy.

The red truly shows it's the boiling isles,and not the human realm.

It's so good to be back.

My ears can be shown,my tail untucked,my wings not restrained.

Wait,I can fly without getting caught by a human!

"Oh boiling Isles,how I've missed you!"I exclaim,doing a little fly below the trees.

Me and Hunter both thought we heard the chirps of our palisman and looked up,thinking they'd be there.

But it was just two simalarily colored birds that flew away.

I take a deep breath too calm myself.

They're gone,and there is  nothing I can do about it.

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