Chapter Five: Hendry

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Sofia's going to be the death of me

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Sofia's going to be the death of me...

"I'll see what I can do love but for now it would be best if you went home to relax and get out of sight before my brother wakes up from his little nap," I said chuckling.

After letting her out I poured myself some whiskey enjoying the silence for once.

"ALEX!" I guess he had to wake up at some point right? Storming into my room Noah looked like shit his forehead was littered with blood and his face was portraying the anger he felt towards our guests' actions.

No one has ever stood up to Noah and I could tell Sofia's in a hell of a lot of trouble when he finds her.

"Where. Is. She!" he growled at me. "Down boy, you had this" pointing at his face I continued trying my hardest not to laugh "coming when you assumed she was one of the girls I slept with and had no manners and before you go looking for her brother I strongly believe you should not have anything to do with this girl, you'll lose" Confidently stating the facts I smirked at my annoyed brother who stormed off.

Grabbing my laptop I opened Facebook and searched for this Henry guy seeing that his a normal high school principal that works at Stevens school, it was easy enough to find the things I was looking for.

'Henry Freeman, married to Stella Freeman and has two kids lives a block away from the school and has a pretty long crime sheet for multiple calls of assault and abuse. He was never arrested however served community service a few times.'


"Hey Sofia, I'll do it call me back when you get this and stay out of trouble okay"


"Thanks for the name brother" Noah smirked eavesdropping on me. "Don't you dare Noah, I'm serious leave her alone".

Before Noah could comprehend what I was up to I smacked him with a pillow running past him trying to get to my car before he finds her. I could hear him behind me screaming at me to stop but I was already at the car fastening my seatbelt and speeding off.

Stopping at the house I could see her car in the driveway. Walking to the front door I softly knocked hoping she would let me in. At first, she looked shocked but let me in after offering me some coffee which I happily accepted.

Sitting down in the living room the door flew open and my brother walked in looking completely proud of himself.

We both looked at the idiot, confused he rose his brow silently asking for an answer.

"Noah meets Stella, Stella this is my older brother the man who's going to help me take care of your husband if you agree to our terms of course" I know Noah thought I was going to lead him straight to Sofia but he walked right into my little trap.

Explaining our plan to Stella she seemed more and more interested in becoming a spouse and without much thought, she agreed to put my plan into motion.

Handling loose ends I managed to lose my brother when he had to go back to work so It gave me the perfect chance to go see Sofia.

Handling loose ends I managed to lose my brother when he had to go back to work so It gave me the perfect chance to go see Sofia

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Walking up to Sofia's house I knocked waiting for her to let me in.

I stood outside for a while before the door slowly opened up revealing Steven rubbing his eyes, looking like a mess.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked not waiting for him to invite me in while I pushed past him.

"It's seven at night I was asleep!" he groaned shutting the door behind us.

Looking around the house I paid no attention toward Steven following me around while I searched for Sofia's.

"If your looking for my sister, you're at the wrong place" he sang flopping down on the couch eating a already opened bag of chips.

Turning on the tv he lazily leaned back watching some horror movie, chuckling at the jump scares.

"Where is she exactly?" I asked taking the bag of chips from him while pausing the show.

Scowling at me he dragged a hand through he's messy hair before replying.

"She called me a while ago and said she wasn't coming home because apparently the police finally succeeded in arresting the crazy women".

"They did what!" I yelled pulling out my phone and calling one of the few police contacts we have.

After confirming what I thought would be impossible at this stage I sat down next to Steven, eating his chips.

"Well, I believe Sofia wouldn't want you to stay here on your own while she's a bit preoccupied" I spoke holding the bag toward him, being decent enough to share.

"Look man she already gave me all of the rules and I don't plan on throwing a party and being surrounded by drunk teenagers and clingy girls" he breathed out, resting his head against the couch.

Chuckling I slapped his shoulder before walking to his room.

Packing everything I thought he would need I through the bag over my shoulder before grabbing the house keys.

"Come on, you'll be having a sleepover at my house for a few days. You might not want to throw parties while she's not around but that doesn't stop you from burning the house down trying to cook dinner for yourself" I joked waiting for him to get up.

Scowling he stood up, switching off the tv before following me out of the door.

"She fucking told you about that!" he whisper yelled while I locked the front door.

"Don't curse and yes, yes she did" I chuckled, throwing his bag into his chest no longer in the mood to carry it.

"Don't curse and yes, yes she did" I chuckled, throwing his bag into his chest no longer in the mood to carry it

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