Chapter 11: The Dome

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Listening to the beat Sofia watched the drunken people dancing on the dance floor taking sips of her sparkling water

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Listening to the beat Sofia watched the drunken people dancing on the dance floor taking sips of her sparkling water.

Enjoying the high pill she took a few minutes after she got to the Dome Sofia waited for Alex to appear through the crowd. Spotting the tall figure striding towards her she rolled her eyes hoping he would change his course before he reached her.

"I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight" a husky voice slurred making Sofia cringe at the pathetic attempt.

"Oh, would you look at that your cheesy line worked my panties are just begging to get ripped off now" Sofia's sarcastic reply should've been enough for him to take the hint but he saw it as an invitation to sit down next to her.

Chuckling the stranger locked eyes with her and Sofia dragged her eyes over his body noticing the tattoos that were picking out at his rolled-up white shirt, he was handsome with his defined jawline and a built body that was practically begging to get out of the tight shirt and trousers. His hands were filled with rings and she didn't miss the veins littering his slim hands.

"Aint princess, what's it going to take to get your number or get you in my bed tonight? I wouldn't mind either way" he smirked thinking he had a chance.

"Seeing that you're talking to a girl whose dick is bigger than your personality I would say slim princess" Sofia winked taking another sip of her water hoping he would just leave soon rather than later. Grabbing his heart the stranger made a pained sound playing along and finding Sofia's reaction toward his flirting amusing. He saw her sitting alone at the bar and couldn't go home without the beauty sitting in front of him.

Leaning forward the stranger grazed his hand down Sofia's cheek but not liking any physical touch she flinched back feeling on edge with the drug intensifying his action. Grabbing her throat he pulled her forward Let's put that mouth of yours to good use, your lips would look great wrapped around my cock" he whispered. Feeling the uneasiness, memories of the night before rushed threw her head and Sofia started breathing faster feeling panicked.

"I'd advise you to remove your hands right now Derick" a familiar voice growled from beside them and Sofia calmed down knowing Alex was with her.

"What's it to you Alex" Derick bit back not releasing his hold but placing more pressure on Sofia's neck making sure it would leave a mark.

Snapping out of her hazy thoughts Sofia pushed Derick's elbow up with all her force hearing the popping notice she hoped for. Screaming in pain Derick held his broken arm feeling all the alcohol leaving his body replaced with rage. "Fuck you BITCH!" he growled leaping for Sofia but she moved out of the way deciding she left enough damage for one night.

The club's security showed up before he could try again "Is this man bothering you Sofia?" Elia asked stepping in between them. Sofia was well known in the Dome it was her Club after all.

She started it a few months ago after wanting to do more than fight for her money, she needed a legal business and she knew she couldn't fight forever even if she would have loved to. Simply nodding Elia Grabbed Derick's shoulder dragging him to the exit while he was cursing at everyone swearing that he would make Sofia's life hell and that she needed to watch her back.

Rolling her shoulders Sofia sat down again nudging Alex to sit down too.

"Why are you here alone, you know men tend to do that every time you are alone here" Alex scolded glaring at her. "It's my club A I can go and do as I please I don't need a babysitter" she firmly stated.

Holding out his hand Sofia only rose her eyebrow not understanding what he was looking for "Give me the good shit, I know you're high right now I just don't know what" he smirked pointing at her sparkling water that was still half full.

Shaking her head Sofia placed the pill in his palm knowing he doesn't take ecstasy and would give it back after he saw what her drug of choice was.

Placing the pill in front of her after glaring at her for a while Sofia picked it up and threw it into her mouth needing to relax more after the events that unraveled too quickly. Knowing Alex would lecture her she turned to him and motioned for him to get on with it trying to get it over with.

Alex wasn't against smoking weed a few times but stronger drugs never sat well with him especially when people he cared about took them.

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