Chapter 23: New girl

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A knock woke me up and seeing that I don't have a door I couldn't ignore whoever it was so I turned around to face a maid who wore a warm smile on her face

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A knock woke me up and seeing that I don't have a door I couldn't ignore whoever it was so I turned around to face a maid who wore a warm smile on her face. I had felt like killing whoever it was but seeing the innocent little smile I mustered up one of my own and asked her what she needed.

She informed me that I had to be at the breakfast table In 10 minutes, I had thought about declining seeing that I wasn't hungry but a small part of me wanted to see Noah so I decided to get dressed in some booty shots and an oversized t-shirt. I pulled on my bunny slippers and grabbed my cigarettes just in case I felt like smashing James's head into the table.

Arriving at the full table that was filled with men I haven't seen before I spotted Steven sitting next to Alex while the only place left near them was next to James so I accepted my fate and sat down.

Shortly greeting everyone I shifted my gaze to the end of the table wishing I didn't. Noah was busy eating his dinner.

His tongue was shoved down some girl's throat while his hands were wrapped around her waist pulling her impossibly closer. Biting my lip I felt a sharp pain spread threw my body and I removed my eyes from them. "No hard feelings" James muttered suddenly shoving a piece of his pancake into his mouth while smiling at me, repeating his words I told him I'm not hungry when he placed a few pieces of bacon in front of me.

I stood up not in the mood to be around people but James pulled me back down and told me to at least eat the bacon when I refused again he picked up a fork and held it in front of my mouth.

James kept feeding me pieces of bacon to me while he took bites of his food, between eating we made small talk and he asked me about my fight. I got lost in our conversation not noticing that everyone had left already.

"Well I've got a job to finish, I guess I'll see you around Soph" James winked while taking both our plates away and I found myself smiling at the act, he wasn't as bad as I thought.

Getting a call from security at the club I asked Alex If he would've liked to join me seeing that I would be spending the whole day sorting out some things which he happily agreed to if Noah permitted me. Alex was walking on thin ice when he told me to ask Noah so after a cigarette break I found myself stating in front of Noah's office.

Walking in without knocking I cleared my throat seeing that he was distracted by the girl grinding on his lap shirtless.

Both shot their heads my way and the girl froze when she noticed who I was." Sofia I can explain" she frantically got dressed while walking to me but waving her off I simply turned to Noah not needing the sad excuse she would've given me for missing work.

"No need Isabel consider this me giving you a permanent vacation" I added smiling and asked Noah if I could leave for the day seeing that he was still shocked at the encounter happening before him. "I need your permission to live my life so how about we just skip this whole arguing stage we always seem to be having and simply say I've got your blessing" Pausing for a few seconds I carried on "Okay byeeee!" I yelled running out of the room but I turned around and only poked my head through the unclosed door "Isabel I change my mind if and only if you get to work before I arrive at the club you can keep your job just because this is your first and only slip up do I make myself clear".

1. One last cigarette Where stories live. Discover now