Chapter 14: Compromise

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Noah waited for Sofia to get back after one of the guards rushed into the room informing him of the crazy woman that sped through the gate when they wouldn't open it

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Noah waited for Sofia to get back after one of the guards rushed into the room informing him of the crazy woman that sped through the gate when they wouldn't open it.

Hearing her laughter and Stevens's voice Noah turned around in his seat seeing them enter the kitchen.

"Stop being a sore loser Mia, I won fair and square but I'll always give you a rematch if you feel like you can do better" Steven gloated sitting down next to Noah and softly shoving his shoulder "You look like shit by the way" he chuckled earning a slap over the head from Sofia for cursing.

"Okay, fun's over go do your homework before I start throwing punches" Sofia joked grabbing water from the fridge.

Before she could leave Noah grabbed her arm pulling her to a stop. Looking at Noah's hand on her arm she raised an eyebrow giving him a chance to remove it himself before she does. "My office now" Noah mumbled leading the way and making sure she was still following him.

Closing the door behind him he sat down on his desk facing Sofia who still stood at the door making sure she could leave if he decided to start his bullshit of her needing to quit using or smoking.

"How long?"

Confused Sofia waited for Noah to finish his sentence but he stayed silent so Sofia softly asked what he meant." How long has your addiction been going on Sofia?

"None" Sofia replied not wanting to have this conversation with someone she barely knows. None what, love?" Noah stood up walking closer to Sofia.

"None of Your Business".

Glaring at her Noah stood in front of her inches away from her face leaving Sofia breathless. Hearing a clicking sound she turned seeing Noah locking the door behind her and trapping her inside with him. Turning around Noah sat down in his chair resting his hands on the table that was dividing the two of them.

"Better get confrontable if you want to give me snarky comments, love" Noah smirked knowing he had the upper hand in the situation the door could only be unlocked with his fingerprint which he would only do if she could be honest with him.

Sitting down in front of him Sofia glared at the irritating Greek god that trapped her in his office for god knows how long.

Four years" she mumbled giving in, in hopes that it would be the end of this conversation but she knew it wasn't.

"I'm not going to force you to tell me why but I'll make you a deal" Noah bargained seeing Sofia shuffle around in her seat uncomfortable with the position he put her in. Not receiving an answer Noah stood up and stood in front of her bending down enough that he was at eye level with Sofia.

"I'm taking all your drugs and I'll make sure you don't get more while you stay here..." cutting in Sofia started shouting "Who do you think you are!" and pushed him back enough that she had enough room to walk to the window that had a beautiful view of the night sky.

Taking deep breaths Sofia tried calming down she didn't have a problem.

"Sofia you're an addict you know this is the best thing to do" Noah argued.

"An addict is a person that can't stop, I can, I just don't want to" Being impressed with her answer Sofia smirked at Noah thinking she had a pretty good point.

Sofia knew she couldn't stop after taking her first pill, pull, line she constantly thought about the happiness she felt after. She was no longer suffocated by her thoughts and reality she wasn't the girl that wasn't good enough for her parents, she wasn't the slut or whore everyone saw her as. She was the happy girl she was growing up even if her parents would lock her up for being annoying as they put it or blamed her for destroying their life's when they had a little bit too much to drink she was still happy and loved.

She felt like Noah was taking away her happiness, her freedom.

He was taking away Her...

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