Chapter 43: Cold water

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When we got home after James took care of our little problem Noah forced me to get checked over by the doctor seeing that I had a scratch on my left arm he handled me like a baby ordering me to drink water and go to sleep after I refused he litera...

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When we got home after James took care of our little problem Noah forced me to get checked over by the doctor seeing that I had a scratch on my left arm he handled me like a baby ordering me to drink water and go to sleep after I refused he literally ordered Alex to sit on me till I agreed with his fat ass crushing my whole body I gulped down the water promising to listen and he carried me to his room.

Before I could argue he ripped my skirt and shirt off replacing it with one of his hoodies before tucking me into bed. Hearing the shower turn on I climbed out of bed rushing to my room knowing Noah would give me one of his little punishments for not listening to him but I had a long day and morning.

Opening my window I hang out of it like a dog taking deep drags of my lit cigarette. Feeling the cold wind burn when it came in contact with my exposed skin I relished in the feeling while taking deep drags, my lungs filled with grey smoke minimizing my life by at least 10 years by now.

Putting it out I brushed my teeth and found some cookies in the kitchen.

Sitting in the dark I missed the tall silhouette leaning against the door, the lights turned on and I felt like a deer caught in headlights with my cheeks puffed out and filled with chocolate chip cookies. "That was mine" Alex mumbled sitting next to me grabbing what was left of the cookies and stuffing his mouth too.

Swallowing I offered him water which he happily took.

"So how's my brother?" he chuckled turning towards me.

"He's...simply amazing" I breathed out softly smiling at the thought of him. I gave him an ounce of trust today and he made sure we got home safe. He took the pill before I could and he went against everything he worked hard for just to make sure I didn't give in to temptation. Alex's laughed holding his stomach leaving me confused "I meant how's he taking the whole being high ting?" he sobered up giving me a look filled with amusement.

Feeling my face heat up I turned around cursing at myself.

"He's fine he slept in the car and he's probably sleeping now so he'll be okay when he wakes up in a few hours".

Not replying Alex nodded smiling at someone behind me. Turning around a tired Isabel stood in front of me rubbing her eyes before Alex stood up kissing her forehead before asking what she was doing up. Hearing her softly mumble "I wasn't done cuddling with you" I slowly walked away giving them privacy.

Knowing I couldn't sleep right now I got dressed to go to the gym seeing that I couldn't go for a run or get high it was the best option.

I couldn't sleep without waking up sweating or screaming and Steven would usually wake me up but seeing that I wasn't near him I chose to stay awake as much as possible, sleeping with Noah helps to be honest but I can't depend on him that much. Everyone leaves after all and he already showed me how easy it was to leave me and I can't give him the power of becoming the person I depend on.

After doing my upper body I laid down out of breath groaning at an angry Noah leaning above me.

"I've been waiting for you to come for two hours now and yet you're busy working out at 3 in the morning" he raised his voice in the end. Standing up I drank water ignoring his statement before continuing.

"Talk to me Mi amore" he stopped my movement placing his knee between my legs while holding the back of my neck and holding me in place while resting his other hand on the wall behind me he kept his balanced. "Not now Noah" closing my eyes I took deep breaths hoping he'd leave but to my surprise, he kissed my forehead moving down to my nose and finally my lip but he pulled away before I could kiss him back.

"Sleep now work later sí" he demanded more than asked and I shook my head.

Hearing a breathless chuckle I opened my eyes seeing Noah shake his head at me "I wasn't asking pretty girl" he picked me up like I weighed nothing and I wrapped my legs around his waist while placing my arms around his neck burying my face in his neck.

Hearing the shower turn on I tried getting out of his hold knowing what was about to happen "Noah please don't...Don't you dare do th-" I screamed but he didn't listen placing me underneath cold water.

Laughing at my state my lips turned purple and my body shook not doing well with the cold temperature. "You going to listen next time baby?" he asked keeping me in place and I quickly nodded.

'I'm not going to listen next time'

Feeling a warm towel wrap around me Noah carried me to the closet removing my wet clothes, he gave me a black hoodie with the words BOSS on it seeming new. "James gave it to me on Christmas" he answered seeming to see the confused look on my face. Not saying anything else he placed some fuzzy socks with donuts on my feet and told me he saw them when I was gone and he bought them because they reminded him of me.

Noah made sure I was under all the blankets before pulling me towards his chest and my head rested on his heart hearing the soft beats lulled me to sleep.

"You did well today you know that?" he whispered before I could succumb to the darkness and I lifted my head looking at him with hooded eyes. "If I did well you wouldn't have had to safe me from takin-" he cut me off with the look he gave me and I giggled like a twelve-year-old again.

'Because you lo-'

'Dont even finish that thought'

'It's the tru-'

"Come on I know you don't sleep often so we can watch a movie till you fall asleep because you have to try okay" Noah cut off my thoughts and I agreed to watch him choose a movie to watch.

Before I fell asleep the movie's words stuck with me and I for once felt hopeful.

"Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming"

 Just keep swimming"

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