-A conversation- [2]

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Killer walked in silence, His mind was wondering....

'what the fuck'

Killer had been in the cold night, feeling like such a slut.
Not even sucking for money?!
He just did it! Like that-

Killer walked up to his house knocking on the door, his face filled with sadness but no one opened it, killer tried knocking for the next minute or two but no one answered.

Killer didn't want to be outside for to long even though he lived here for basically all his life, This place was still dangerous.

killer placed his head down as he sighed, killer grabbed his back looking for his bag but...

"I fucking left my bag at his place- god dam it.... my key was in there and my knife was there so I can't even pickpoc-"

Suddenly it hit killer he had placed his pocket knife in the pocket of his jacket...

"Ugh- The smell of my sin on my favorite jacket"

Killer sighed out grabbing the knife from his jacket's pocket quickly picking his lock, opening the door after a few try's.

He walked inside to only see his dad sleeping on the sofa.

A large bear sleeping of a small sofa is cute and weird at the same time...

Killer let a smile form as he removed the beer from his dads paws walking over to his room, bringing over a blanket.

"Go sleep dad... I'll bother you about the bag later"
Killer walked away walking over to his 'room' which is just the corner with curtains, killer flopped down on his bed placing the pocket knife on a table throwing off his jacket of sin.

"Just go to sleep killer don't think about it... god, school is gonna suck, because I know horror will be looking for me-"

Killer fell asleep his eyes shut down soon his body going limp.

Killer woke up to the sound of a car horn? Killer not thinking anything of it just expected it to go away

It didn't...

Killer slowly got up from his bed checking the time...

It was 8:09 and school starts 8:50 killer lives like 40 minutes away from school and he's not even ready...

"Mother fucker!"
Killer yelled as he bust through his door quickly locking it as he ran outside.

Killer was about to book it down the road only to stop once he saw a fancy good looking car parked Infront of his house.

"What..? Ugh, who care I have to go, there not my business..."
Killer thought as he ran to the side walk ready to run only the have the car door open stopping killer from running-

"Ah... sleeping beauty finally deciding to wake up?"

Killer almost jumped as he saw dust... his eyes widen as he noticed the whole bad guy group inside the car, well except nightmare?

"What the fuck are you doin-"

"Listen I know your mad at me... but boss told us to pick you up, and also your already late, were giving you ride your already late so get in"

Killer's werid ass haremWhere stories live. Discover now