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Day two: color x killer

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Day two: color x killer

Killer sighed, slowly taking off the tank top he had on. God he was sweating from the work-out he just had.

Being apart of the track and feild team, had a lot of work with its name. "Ugh-" killer yelled out being alone in locker room, No one would care.

Most of track and feild team don't change in the locker room since most of them live pretty close by. Sad, since killer can't have friendly chats with the team.

"Hey kills!"

A voice echoed, killer payed no mine to it knowing it was his boyfriend color.

"Early? Suprised- Was there not much banter in the book club?" Killer asked, ripping off his sweaty shirt. His bones exposed to the cold air around.

"Hmm....I guess you could say? Nightmare didn't show up, and geno was not speaking."
Color responed sitting on one of the many benches in to room.

Killer perked up, suprised at why Nightmare didn't show up?

"Nightmare didn't show up? I saw him this morning-"

"Me too... which is stange Nightmare never misses club days."

Killer sighed, he had noticed nightmare's mood... he seem sad like really sad.

Killer and nightmare were childhood best friends but...

Killer was snapped out of his thoughts, feeling two arms wrap around the smaller.

"You ok killer?" Color asked concerned, his flame changing to show his mood.

"Ah... yea? Just thinking about night"

"Hm." Color nodded understanding why killer was so concern.

Killer just smiled, a small blush showing on his face, killer looked down to see that he had his body pressed on color.

"Hm~ wanna see a trick?"
Killer whispered flirtly, sending a shiver down color's bones.

"Uh... sure kills-"

Color paused, it was amazing- The poor man was stunned to speak as killer sumoned two nice fat tits that pressed on the taller's chest nicely.

"Whats wrong~"
Killer teasingly said, staring at his boyfriend. Color just stood in shock staring at them, this was frist time seeing killer echo body and he was just not expecting this. he was not complaining~

"Nothing~" color smiled back, quickly sweeping killer into a kiss.

Which at frist suprised killer but killer joined in swiftly.

Nightmare stood ontop of the rooftop, suprise by what he would do to himself...

He thought about it but-

what would the school think?

What would dream do?

How would killer feel...

The white bone skeleton decided icecream would be the best snack to calm himself down, a lot of it melting on his pruple blazer.

A mix of tears and melted icecream was on nightmare purple blazer. The small skeleton stared at the sunset above, as much as he wants to end killer's and color's relationship... killer is happy.

Nightmare is not, and he needs to live with it.

Day 2: color x killer●

Day 3: Nightmare x killer

Day 4: Dream x killer

Day 5: horror x killer

Day 6: outer x killer

Daily ask:
What is your hair color.

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