I don't take no : Killermare

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Storie Type; Lemon/smut
Angst: 7/10
Fluff: 0/10
Smut: 4/10

Small footsteps echoed down the long hallway, the monster kings was deep in sleep thinking about the next contry to pillage; To enslave monster and become the ruler of all.

In world of monster with unimaginable powers, A single vampire is able to lead a army and rule empires with an iron fist!

But despit his power and rule, the king has never had a lover to share his wealth with... well thats was most thought? For the kings has fallen in love... Loved a lonely human- a worthless human, a powerless human-- but that peasent boy male was able to make the kings stone heart soften, and harden in many other of ways~

Nightmare was about ready to give up everything for the male but lets just say the feelings were not shared but thats didnt stop him... Nightmare has killed and torture many before do you think the simple answer of no would stop him?

"NIGH- SIr- King!! King!! Ah- wait--" killer kicked a pushed trying his best to fight but what the hell could he do?! He was just a small human and he was a tall vampire, nightmare just smiled staring lovenly at the smaller god he  will enjoy this...

"Sweetheart dont struggle so much~ Im not gonna hurt you..."

Nightmare said sweetly tighting his grip on killers arm, making killer flinch, stopping his kicking- Killer finally calm down, looking down not wanting to see the king... he fear something bad will happen to him- he regected the fucking war mongering king!? Who wouldnt be afraid of being in a room alone with him. Even with out the regection this would be terrifying.

"Ok... sir- Um what do you want..."
Killer whispered, feeling the kings stare stab into him...to suddenly feel a hand places on his head messing with his hair, as he did so the boy got more scared making him stiffen up. Nightmare let out a small growl not like how killer was not given back his affections.

"Darling whats wrong? I dont like my lover being afarid of me-"

"Lo-over... since when...?"

Killer said shyly as he looked up at nightmare, Nightmares smile slowly faded as he looked at killer.

"Darling? I dont take no for an asnwer..."

"Nightmare-e I- I dont fee-el the sam-"

"You know what killer, I think a little game should change your mind-"

"No! I- Im not gay-y and You are you..."

Nightmare said nothing his face blank, killer stared up pleadenly try to remove his hand from the king whos was firmly holding it.

"Nig-ght!! Your-r Ow! Ah!" Killered yelled out feeling Nightmare squeezing killers arm! Slaming him down on the table next to them, sending books and decorative items flying everwhere! Killer stood in shock He's Dead He's dead He's dead... His family His friends he will never be able to see them again- and what will Nightmare do to them after?!

"Well... If you don't accept- Your nothing to me, you are nothing but a slave right?"

Killer got more terrified as dark substance filled the area around them-

"King-- what why!! Are you really making me choose between Your lover or your slave?!"

Killer shouted in anger only to get lifted by his neck get slammed back down on the table he sat on,

"Oh killer~ You lost your chance to be my lover and living in sweet confort with me- You will be my personal slave to use as I please~ You should be grateful most humans would love to be in your postion~"

Nightmare teeth formed a smile as he stared at killers reaction of how badly he mess up, god what an adorable slut Nightmare will enjoy every second with his new play THING~

"What!? Wait wait wait-- Nightmare think about this!! Im just a peasant human and your a vampire king! You dont wanna waste your time with me? You can get pretty banshees or forest faries- or hell some other human boy or girl!! But look at me I-"

Killer tried to rant more to save himself but was cut by a kiss, his tongue easily taking control of the kiss. Killer couldn't react in time to push him away, nightmare pinning him down leaving the boy vunrable; Getting in between the smallers legs, his cock getting a small preview of what was gonna be.

"Nightmare king... uh? You seem really happy today huh?"

"I do? I wonder why~"

Nightmare smiled talking a bite of bread and grapes, that ccino had make. The chef blushed staring at his lord so happy, it was adorable.

"Anyway I have work to complete, breakfast was fine as usual"

Nightmare said getting up and walking away off to the higher quarters. Ccino blushed slightly loving the way Nightmare complemented him.
The maids came and picked up the plate and ccino walked in the kitchen to clean up, aand fix up the pots and pans? Like the good fariy that he is, just as he was finishing up the door of the kitchen slammed open.

"Ayo Ccino!! Have you see the graderner?! The peasant has still not shown up! I told you we should have never made a human work here- There unreliable-"

"Don't be mean Aron... hes probably late-"

Suddenly a large metal bang was heard, the two looked walked out to see killer walking away with a watering can... he seemed weak limping.

"Killer.... um You ok?"

Aron asked noticing the humans pain feeling bad for him. Killer ingorned the males staring at him, Walking away.

Leaving the two both concerned and confused.

[Part two coming soon]
[ probably on tuesday ]

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