I Need You

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Ship: Dust x killer

Killer slowly opened the door to the main room, looking tired as fuck. He had just gotten back from a long killing spree and hoesntly the monster wanted to sleep and scream and shout to let it all out.

"Oh killer, your on time sit~"
Nightmare said in a weridly "friendly" tone. Killer was noticing it way more often and it started to bother him.

Killer just nodded walking over to the nearest seat sitting on it, right next to horror.

The meeting went on nightmare talked about plans and other evil shit, honestly killer was basically half awake during the whole meeting, but during the meeting he noticed dust look at him like a lot.

It was werid but killer just chalked it up to dust wanting to ask him something because the end of the month wasn't here yet- and it couldn't be that.

The meeting had ended and nightmare told everyone to leave we all started to leave, while error just sumoned a portal and left.

"Ima head to the kitchen Im hungry as fuck if anyone needs me you know were I am"

Cross yelled out walking away, killer horror and dust just watched him.

"Whatever Im tired as fuck, going to my bed and sleep"
Killer yawned out as he started walking away.

"Alright see you later!"

Horror yelled out as he started walking away head towards the main door to go outside.

Dust just stood there, his body sweating like hell.

'Why does Nightmare always work? Dude looks like a model he could get any girl he wants'

'Or me-'

Killer laid down in his bed sleeping like a princess, thinking about knifes and cats So cute and deadly.
Both of them

*Bang bang bang bang bang*

Killer heard the sound of knocking on his bedroom door, the noice was slowly walking him up. Before finally getting up from his bed letting out a groan, killer looked over to his phone and saw it was 1:30 am?!

'Who the fuck is up this late-'

Killer thought walking over to the door finally opening it.

To see dust holding a box?

"Killer I need you-u..."

"What..?? Its like 1 am dust what do you...."

"I need you"


Killer paused for a moment before it hit him... his face turned red and his eyes widen.

Dust stood there waiting for an answer, the two skeletons faces red and purple.

Killer said nothing as he opened the door wider pointing his hand in.

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