A Nightmare lovin U pt.1

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Ship: Killermare and (slight) Horrorkill

Type: angst? Fluff?

Killer stared into space the world seem so quite? So empty? Maybe... cruel.

"Thats an over exaggeration..." killer whispered under his coat. As he swept the floor of the cafe he work, "what did you say?" Horror asked looking away from the cash register.

"Nothing horror! Im just mummbling to myself..."

"Again? If you keep doing that your gonna end up like dust~"

"Har har! If dust were here he would kick your ass" killer snickered, while horror rolled his eye playfully.

Althought life lately has been shit, it's reassuring to know that I still have lovely friends.

Despite that.... I do wish My life was more exiting.

"Package for killer?" A voice asked, which startled the two skeletons.

"What?" Horror asked as he stared at the man at the door, a small box in his hand.

"Is thier a killer here?" The man asked calmly, he seemed weridly cheerie?

"Uh... yes, that would be me?" Killer said as he walked towards the door. The man handed killer the package before quickly running off.

Killer hand no time to ask questions or anything, killer stared down at the box, turn to Horror.

"You order anything?"

"No?" Killer replied placing it down on the counter top.

The skeletons stare at the box unsure what to think. Then killer just sighed.

He slowly opened the box and horror watch.

And was met with a Rose and note?

Killer lift the rose and note, confused on what the hell is happening?

"What the hell?" Horror asked, as he looked back at the box expecting more from it.

"This has to be a mistake right?"

"I mean... he called you by name? What does the note say..." horror asked grabbing the rose.

"Meet me at the rose bush at the park, tomorrow 2pm, I have to return what I once stole. From Nightmare?" Killer read even more confused, who the hell is Nightmare.

"Nightmare? Why does that sound familiar..." horror explained as he thought for a moment unable to remember the name.

"Well.... Whatever he is, what does he want with me?" Killer asked placing the note down on the counter.

"Your guess is as good as mine?"

I guess I did wish for something to happened.... not a good wish huh?

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