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Day four: Dream x killer

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Day four: Dream x killer


Everyone has it, and so did dream.

A normal day at school in underhigh, dream the most popular boy in school had a crush on the nobody that was killer. Is that harsh? Yes. But Killer was apart of the bad guy group, a group of 6 skeletons which were killer, nightmare, dust, cross, horror and error. All these skeletons were bullied in the past and made a group for themself over the years forming a group to protect themselves, sad if you really think about it? A group of skeletons only met due to being bullied victims.

Dream sighed thinking back on how nightmare got bullied, Thier relationship has never recovered... Dream was too busy with others that he didn't pay attention to the one who needed him most. Going home has been sad, Since dream never took notice until it was too late. But it's hard to dwell on the pass because things changed, and slowly by slowly Nightmare has warmed up to him... again.

Dream snapped out of his thoughts looking at killer and dust, the two were whispering to eachother? Dream has been infatuated by killer for the longest time, he always see him and nightmare hang out but there was something about him that made the The yellow skeleton heart flutter? And once the two started talking, dreams feelings grew ten fold.

"Why...? What did killer do to get bullied?" Dream always thought, he looked up at the board to writing whatever the teacher was teaching.

"Best guess is his eyes? But thats why he was so... Intresting"
Dream sighed placing down his pen, not caring what the teacher was teaching.

"Why do I get warms feeling around him? We have been talking for months now, Ive tried fighting these feelings but nothing works..." dream closed his eyes thinking about the smaller.

He was so cute, with everything he did~ his voice, his body~ his flirty personality.

Dream had fought these "thoughts" but the more he backs away, it multiplies 10x after.

Hell if dream just sees anything lewd his immediate thoughts go to killer, was he so infatuated by killer. Short answer was yes.

A soft voice asked, it was him.

Great even my inner thoughts are being ivaded by killer-

"Wake up"
A more deeper voice spoke, followed after with a smack.

Dream fell back as he opened his eyes And was met with a neutral face.

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