🍈🍋Turned on🍋🍈

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Killer got turned on and is now dealing with his boner, but he cant until he started to think about the other...

This was gonna be a one off short chapter but it became it own thing so enjoy.

Killer ran in his room quickly slaming the door behind him, No one seem to be in the castle right now and killer would very much wanna keep it that way.

'Dam whores at underlust-- Why did my mission Have to be there of all places!"

Killer mentally yelled as he sat on his bed, looks like the boob, ass, and huge cocks got to him.

"Whatever... Lets just jack it off and hurry before anyone else comes home-"

Killer quickly looked around and back at the door, noticing it was locked.

"Alright lets get this over with"

Killer whispered as he romoved his pants and boxers.

Killer held his memeber already summoning his dick, killer closed his eyes as he pumped it.

For about 30 minutes killer did that and yet nothing--

'Wtf?! usually this takes ten minutes?!"
Killer thought moving his hand a little faster...

"Ok... maybe If I watch porn..."
Killer whispered grabbing his phone quickly looking up any porn and watching it as he jack off.

And don't get killer wrong a girl screaming about wanting to get fucked harder was hot but again after a next 20 minutes of jacking off. Nothing--

"Ok wtf??? Why won't you cum"

Killer whispered yelled throwing down his phone on the bed.

Killer stared off mad more than anything feeling, frustrating.

Killer sat there a bit, trying to think of anything but No ideas came up.

Killer just sighed grabbing his phone.
'Maybe If I watch more something will happen'

Killer thought opening up his phone, before he could get back to incognito mode, he saw that the group picture of the bad guys were they all looking weridly happy???

Killer remembering taking it, such a hassle to get everyone in the pic but when we did it was really great.

Man, killer just took time to think about team, its werid knowing a group of murders and mistakes manage to be friends and so close.
Killer has really grew to love them, how they act, thier personalities and werid quirks.

'Horror comes off as such a threat and don't get me wrong he is, temp him and your dead. But if you get to know him he's just a big softy? Likes to give hugs, Like a lot? Always feels like hes breathing down my neck, But like when he wraps his arms around me lifting me up, his big body up against mine-- breathing heavely? his hot breath on my neck...'

Killer without even thinking started to pump his dick still staring at the photo and continued:

'Or dust, he's always so nice like helps me out a lot, with fighting and other stuff but when we train... I see him staring at me giving me a smirk always watching? And after training he always gives me pat on the back... He tells me how good I did, complementing my form and skills... saying I should do more reps with him~ In that weridly husky voice'

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