-A conversation- [3]

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Killer was sat down in his math class, in the back not writing a single thing because well no books and bag, but killer felt a little werid he didn't know why but he felt off?

But other than that killer was looking up at the clock and noticed the time was 9:27...

"Nightmare wanted to see me 9:30... welp~"

Killer smugly thought to only suddenly feel something slidder around his left leg, killer looked down and noticed his pants moving around killer started to freak out but kept it silent not wanting anyone to notice.

Killer slowly lift up his shirt to see a black blob on his rib and leg...

He quickly placed down this shirt and lifted his had the amth teacher noticed?

"Yess killer?"

"Can I go to the bathroom"

"Uh... sure?"

Killer quickly got up and walked outside, as soon as he ran outside he started to freaking out, but started to calm down.

"Ok nightmare did this to fuck with me great... well I have to go the bathroom anyway-"

Killer slowly made his way to the bathroom were nightmare wanted to meet...

Killer walked into the bathroom and noticed it was empty? Killer looked around to see if nightmare was there but nothing...

"Welp- anyway lets find out wtf is this thing"

Killer whispered walking over the mirrors in the bathroom, there he lift up his shirt and widen his pants but saw nothing???

"What!? where did it g-"

Killer got cut off suddenly having his body get shoved, killer quickly grabbing onto the conter of pipes, holding on for support.

"What the fuc-"
Killer again got cut off by something being shoved into his mouth???

Killer looked up and saw nightmare him smugly smiling before killer knew it he was now sitting on the edge of the counter.

"Listen... we'll make this quick because I dont wanna hurt such a cute thing like you but... I need answers"

Killer tried to speak but the tentcale in his mouth stopped him from speaking.
Nightmare noticed and romved it from his mouth know having the tar tentcale wrap around killers hip and going up his chest, moving around like a snake.

"Blck- whatever! are you made at me for yelling at you or what??"
Killer spat out more annoyed than anything.

Nightmare just looked at him and smiled again.

"So brave to yell at me when were in a empty bathroom where no is at and my tenticale around around you..."

Killer looked down to see more tenticale were wrapping around him.


"If I were you I would watch my words..."

Killer's werid ass haremWhere stories live. Discover now