Maxing charisma [smut] pt.1

340 15 17

Ship: horrorkill

Type: smut and angst

Tags: moaning, size difference and first time.

Author's note:
In this au Killer was a normal monster, in a world were human's and monsters live passively. Killer was just a normal guy, untill One day he got killed by a bus and ended up in a fantasy medieval world. These Chapters are based off the oneshot "Maxing your charisma stat". Although I have changed some asspects about this world. So with that enjoy! Most if not all of these chapters will be spicy.

Killer Notes:

Soo, Ive been told to write my thoughts by horror. Well... Its been 4 months since Ive Arrived here, I was living a normal 9 to 5 life, everything seemed dull but one day when I was walking home from work and a truck hit me and I had woke up in some shack home in a random farm village, I was confused as fuck but I slowly realised I was sent to a fantasy world.

I was completely lost until I met horror, a axe weilder that wanted to start his adventer but didn't want to leave alone. We talk and slowly grew to be friends, lying to him that I had lost my memories and didn't know How I got here.

Despite me having no idea what I was doing, horror trained me to use a sword. During our training we grew closer and Now 4 months later we have left that small farm village.

We have traveled a far while, and the last few months have been crazy, we fought Giant orcs, explored giant caverns, dungeons and huanted ruina and so much more! We have so much gold and loot from all our adventures. One of the best wepons I had found was a haunted dagger at a ruin.

lately Ive been feeling home sick.

My life before I got here had alway been dull but I still do Miss my family, so lately Ive been learning about magic... reserching demensions and universes, nothing so far but I know Im gonna have to return one day.

My old life, I was a collage drop out, working a shitty cashier job. So when I got here in this new world I knew things would change.

Charisma, Changing my personality.
I got better at talking and negotiations.
Ladies have been swoon and men are impressed. I can sweet talk into most deals, which has been an amazing to get armor and wepons.

But lately Ive been noticing horror has been werid. I've notice him giving me, mad looks? Anytime I flirt or sweet talk, especially when I flirt with women he always seems sad. He never says anything but I notice it.

Hope he isnt jelouse of me, I don't want out friendship to end like that.

Note end.

Killer groaned, scrunching his face as he place down his quill he was writing with. He looked around and noticed horror fishing in the near by pond as a pot of soup boiled on the camp fire.

Good friend, Good travel companion and A good cook?! What could horror not do.

Killer and Horror had just finished a dungeon, they had already set up thier tent and campfire. Now they were just relaxing before the moon rises.

Killer smiled at horror before closing his journal, he stood up from the tree he was under. Walking towards the tent, horror paused his fishing as he notice killer approch.

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