A moment [🍋]

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Requested: Mielthedarkfox

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Ship: Nightmare x killer

Tags: Fluff and smut

Cold winds with a warm sunny glow, friends were out having fun... It was an intresting day? A festival, where all the multiverse came to celebrate. So much joy and goodness of monsters and humans form all over the universe... so of course Nightmare would hate it. Every year it happened it was one of the worst days of his life and his workers have to deal with it too.

They were not allowed to go to this event, only cross, horror and killer complained due to having friends and famliy going. Despite killer trying for a month straight of begging his boss/boyfriend to allow them to go this ONE time, Nightmare stood firm and kept this stance if Killer could not convise him then no one could.

Everyone was left to their own, killer was currently at the tv looking through movies that he could watch, Nothing really peaked him so he was just scrolling and scrolling. Left killer mad, he couldn't go to the multiverse festival And he can't find a good Movie! "Ugh!!" Killer yelled melting his back into the chair he sat in.

Nightmare walked in to his boyfriend a being irritated, made him feel bad- A little. But there is no way in hell any of this team is going to that postivity bomb of a place.

"Killer? Whats wrong-" Nightmare asked knowing the answer he would get. "You know why-- AND also There is nothing to watch Right Now!" Killer pouted sinking more into the chair. Nightmare only sighed as he sat next to his lover but Again he is Not changing his mind.

"Here, Let pick something and We'll watch it together? I know the prefect movie to get you distracted" Nightmare explained calmly grabbing the remote killer held, killer just sighed as he gave Nightmare side glanc, Nightmare sat next to him, resting his tentacles on the sofa, placing his arm on the side on top of killer's shoulders.

As nightmare started scrolling he glaced down at killer, he looked less irritated definitely not in a good mood. Nightnare picked soom random 1980's movie. Killer was a bit confused by the pick but didn't question Nightmare? Maybe he would like it. It seem like a teen romance type of movie, A girl meets boy type of deal. Strange pick? Never did killer think Nightmare was into those type of movie.

"I don't know understand why you would want to go to some random festival?"
Nightmare randomly chimed in placing the remote down, letting the movie play. Killer sighed answering back "I just wanted to check it out? So many au's say how amazing it is... Wanna feel normal?"

"What brought this up?"

"Just me going out more? Hanging out with lust"

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