painting the one

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Ship: kink (ink x killer)

Type: angst

Warning: obsession, non con photo(?)

NOTE: Im just realizing that I have only made two ink x killer oneshots and both times they have been about ink being obsessed with killer. Ya'll... I need to give this ship better oneshots.

"You sure we should do this?" Swap turned to dream, dream let out a small sigh as he nodded. "I didn't want it to come to this but... what else can we do? Ink refuses to tell us what's wrong"

"Ah... well-- lets hope its not as bad as we think." Swap replied, grabbing the nobb of the door. The door creak open, an eerie feeling of dread filled the room.
"That... is not normal-" swap bluntly said as him and dream stared into the void of inks room. Dream said nothing, walking in to the room. Swap followed behind, Dream flipped the light switch and was met with horror.

The two skeletons, stared at the wall of killer. Custom made painting of killer in slutty oufits, photos of killer. The photos of killer living his daily life. Him training, eating and Some of him sleeping and alot of naked photos of him or half naked, Even some while killer was asleep.

In the middle of everything was a painting of killer being fuck against the wall by ink, Full echo body and everything.

"What the fuck..." swap said outloud, while dream just stared. The two skeletons looked at eachother unable to say anything to eachother. "We should leave..." was all dream said and swap agreed. There is no way they can discuss this while staring at all this.

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