The kings Pet [🍋]

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Ship: Shattered Dream x killer

Tags: Smut and angst

Requested by: Thisuserisveryygay & clxxdy_sky

Warning: forced sex, kidnapping, Drugging, degrading, hitting.


It had been 5 months since killer was captured. The poor skeletons eyes were dead, bags under his eye due to the endless Night of No sleep and crying. Killer missed his friends, his boss, his room, his freedom. Walking around with a chain on his leg, that had a tracker so Dream would know where he was... well he calls himself "shattered" now.

How did killer even end up here? The team got jumped by the new "star sanses" It was unexpected, we tried to retreat but killer was not quick enough and shattered trapped him, the last image  of his team was cross running toward him only to get slashed by swap, Cross stepped back then error pulled him into the portal.

For the past 5 months killer has been broken down, at frist he would fight back, but punishment after punishment! Killer couldn't take it, He had so many thought to end it but he was too afraid, he didn't want to die... Ironic if you think about it? His name is killer.

Ever since killer stopped fighting back, shsttered has become loving? Shattered would give gifts to killer, take him out on dates. And as much as killer hated shattered even he enjoyed the gestures he would do for him. It went from dates to hug/cuddling and then kissing... killer hated it, he didn't want shattered even touching him- but again killer was weak compared to him, with no wepons even if he could Fight back. So he let it happened, more time than he could remember shattereds kissing when onto full on makeout sessions, he would get handsy so many time but thankfully it never when far.

It didn't make a diffenece since killer was with shattered 24/7, shattered would never let killer out of his site, only rarely was killer left alone for a long period of time. He would be locked up in "Their" room as he called it, no one other than shattered was allowed to be with killer, killer was never left alone with Ink or swap. Was for the best tho, killer was already dealing with shattered everyday.

Killer stood still, he was in the bathroom looking at himself in mirror, Shattered was off somewhere, it was the few times  shattered left him alone, he looked at the monster he has become. Tired, bruised with small crack on his bones.

"You still think their gonna save you..." a faint voice whispered. Killer said nothing as he felt his eyes sweal up, he wanted to cry but kept it in because if shattered saw him crying it would "make him upset" and thats the last thing killer wants. Killer let out a small sigh as he walked towards the door, shattered would soon arrive.

Killer walked into the room not expecting anyone, so it was suprising to see shattered himself. As soon as killer saw him he gasp, which alerted The king~ he turned around, his eyes meeting the smaller.

"Darling? Whats wrong... did my beauty scare you?" Shattered spoke, his deep voice was as sharp as a knife. It almost stabbed his heart and not in the romantic way.

"No... dear- I-It was just suprising to see you here...Your back early" killer weakly whispered walking towards the bed, hopefully Shattered would just let him sleep.

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