Stuck in the middle 🍋(?)

659 19 10

Ship: Kross, driller, cream.

Type: Lime

Tags(?): "cheating" and polyamory.

Killer stared at his phone, his face was red from blush. What was on his phone?


Dream had sent him a nude photo of his top half, In his female eco body, holding onto one of this tits.
This was so unexpected, The two skeletons were texting eachother, but It slowly turned sexual. Killer played along, and It got more and more sexual- until dream sent him the picture.

So, what was the problem?
Well dream, was not single-- Cross and dream are together. Killer was also friends with cross, and friends with dream.

Cross, killer and dream, are childhood best friends, until cross and dream started dating.

"What the fuck-" killer whispered, moving away from the chat with dream.

"Should I tell Cross...?? What am I gonna say?? I flirted back, I didn't think he would...fuck-"

Killer stared at cross contacts, If he told cross what happened, he sure leave dream and hate him. after a minute. Killer decided, cross needed to know.

Killer called cross, waiting. This soul felt heavy. His heart was racing, how the hell do you tell your bestfriend, that their partner cheated on them, with you.

"Killer? How you doing?"

"Hey cross...Im fine, Um-- where are you?"

"Im staying at epic's house, why?"

"No reason, I gotta tell you... uh--- give a minute, how do I say-y this."


"Yeah-- Is it that obvious?"

"Yup- Listen, tell me when your ready, no matter what you tell me, I won't be mad."

"You sure..."

"Im sure... hey, since your here, Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure...? What is it-"

"Do you wanna go on a date?"


"Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have been so Direct-"

"But- You and dream are together right?"

"Yes, but recently--"

"Did you two break up??"

"No. Were together, we love eachother so much, but we recently opened our realtionship."


"Reason be, Killer. Ive always found you cute, Do you wanna go on a date?"



"Talk to you later."

Killer quickly ended the call unable to comprehend what just happened.

Im ending to there, the brain juice is not working.

If you want more, say so.

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