A Random kid

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No ship

Killer meeting passive nightmare.

Killer walked down the hallway of the castle, it had been a long week of spying. The poor skeleton was back from a long mission. He needed to spy on fell sans for a week, he did find out a lot of info on the star sanses and all that information, but god was killer tried.

"Ugh, I can't wait to sleep and forget life?!" Killer sighed walking to his bed, passing by his team mates bedroom. Killer walked pass the rooms, so fix to reach his bed but on the way he heard soft crying??

Killer pause for a bit hearing cries? Killer looked around seeing no one around, then looking at the doors around him. Was one of his team mates crying?

"Hm..." killer thought for a moment, he was tired but maybe someone needed confort.... fuck-

Killer sighed, he listen to the crys leading his way, passing by horror's room? Nothing was there. Dust's room... nope.

Killer walked towards nightmare's room and the there is were he could hear the crying the loudest. "Is nightmare crying? No, he said he was going to ccino's cafe..." killer whispered, going from confused to serious.

Killer paused, was someone here? The skeleton pulled out his knife as he walked into the room. He slowly opened the door getting ready to fight.

Killer looked inside to see a dim lighted room, and a hard rose smell. "Why does nightmare's room smell like roses??" Killer thought proceeding into the room. There was nothing in the room, killer glared alone in the room? He still heard the muffled crying.

"Who is here?!" Killer yelled, walking toward the corner were killer could see a ball? Killer walked there and was met with a small figure crying.

The more killer got closer the more it cried, He could easily tell it was a child crying from the voice. Why was there a random child in nightmares room.

"Pl-lease... leav-ve" the kid cried, killer paused putting his knife down, Why did he feel bad...

"Uh... kid-"

"D-dont hurt me-e" the kid weakly sobbed, killer paused... why was he feeling bad... it was like a wall of negativity was around him, but killer has murdered so many monsters before him? Why doesn't he just attack and asked questions later?

"Hey kid... Im not gonna hurt you" killer softly said, kneeling down to the kids height. The kid paused, slowly moving his head from the corner. Killer flinched a bit staring at the kid!? There was a huge crack in the head, it almost looked like his head was almost split in half.

"Kid are you ok?!" Killer yelled going toward the kid holding onto the face gently, the kid flinched but allowed the older to see his face, killer being able to tell it was a skeleton. This kid was wearing a purple suit with a crown, both the suit and crown looked very dirty and old. If killer didn't have questions before he sure did now. Why the hell does Nightmare have a beaten up child in his room.

"Who are you-u?" The kid whispered staring into killers face.

"The names killer, But what happened kid? Who did this to you?" Killer asked staring at he small child, noticing more on his body like that how his leg was snapped.

"I dont know...."

"What do you mean" killer asked sympathetically. God what the hell did this kid do to get beaten up so bad? It is a miracle that he was alive?

"I dont know... I just woke up like-e this-s" the kid cried looking down at the floor.

Killer paused, feeling bad... this skeleton was just a child?

"What-s your name kid..." killer asked looking toward Nightmare's desk to get some bandages.

"My-y names Nightmare..."
The kid whispered softly. Killer paused for a bit. Did he just say Nightmare?

Killer was going to ask the kid more.

"Killer? What the hell are you doing in my room?!" A deep voice yelled, killer jumped turning his head to the door to see Nightmare. Killer quickly looked back at the corner to grab the kid but looked back to see nobody?! He looked shocked looking around, how? Where??

Killer was still on the ground, he looked back up to see nightmare standing infront of him.

"Get out! You better not have touched anything-" nightmare paused noticing killer's face, why did he looked shocked.


"Um... I need to leave--" killer yelled s
Quickly standing up covering his face.

Killer ran out the room, unable to understand what just happened?!

Idk random idea?
Part 2? No idea what to do.

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