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Angst lemon
[Never a good thing]
Part 1 [?]

Ships use:
Horror x killer
Dust x killer
Cross x killer


forced lemon
[Aka R*pe]

Gang bang

"Why would he do that... why would he betray us--"

The whole room stayed silent looking around for anyone to talk.
It hurt knowing someone who you trusted so much, turns out to be a backstabber and working for the other team.

"Did We mean anything to him or was he just using us..."

Cross spat out feeling more bitter the more he thought about it, the amount of times him and killer would hang out, the amount of times they would talk, were cross had let out his emotions to killer, thinking he cared and was being supportive.

all for nothing...

"It doesn't matter, he gave info to the star sanses-- a dirty traitor... we need to know how much info was given and who he told it too"

Nightmare said stern, everyone in the room knowing what Nightmare was gonna say next.

Like traitor before him, we need information but monster really want to keep there love one's safe and not talk.

But a little torture would always fix that, its nothing the bad guys didn't do before but the thought of doing it to killer.

Killer someone who is or was loved by the bad guys.

"We need to torture until he talks, knowing killer he is gonna be someone hard to break all of us are gonna need be on this"

Nightmare said some sadness being hear in his voice.

Nightmare pause for a moment really thinking about this... was he really gonna do this to killer.

The same monster he had feelings for but... killer knew the consequences of choosing to betray him.

Nightmare let out a sigh.

"Lets go..."

Nightmare said standing up and walking down to where killer was locked up in.

Everyone else just followed without a single word, and if there faces didn't show it the negativity aura did.

There sat killer a chains on one of his ankles, one chain on his left hand which was tide and placed on the wall not a lot to move.

They had taken away his knife and phone, leaving him on the cold floor a bed just a few inches away from.

One of nightmares favorite things to do, have the prisoner tide to the wall and leaving a bed infornt of them really let the monster suffer.

Killer just stared at the walls waiting for when one of his ex team mates came in to do the torture, most likely Nightmare killer thought.

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