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Ship: Killer x everybody but color

Color and killer had been friends ever since forever and to be honest color always had a thing for killer.

He had been contemplating if he should or should not confess his feelings- but today was the day color would confess his feelings to killer tell him how much he loves him and how he wants to be his boyfriend!

Color walked with pure confidence to killers home holding a rose in his right had and a teddybear on his left.

He looked at killers door and gently knocked waiting to meet his 'love'.

The door opened, before color said anything nightmare appered his shirt unbottoned and he looked tired.

"Ah.. Thanks kills~ really helped with all our stress"

Color froze before he could think Nightmare brushed right pass him, soon following were-




All of them blushing and sweating. All saying goodbye to killer with pet names.

Color watched them all get into a car, his heart feeling broken and stund unable to speak.

Killer came stumbling in to the doorframe waving them all goodbye as the car drove off.

"Oh color! Good to see my bestfriend I need a little help my hip kinda hurts-"

"Ye-e bess-st friend---"
Color whispered his voice shaking,

Ha Ha bitch I thought I was done with sans aus but the fucking thing ropped me right back in-
Guess Im still write about killers werid ass hearm.
Only this tho- I still wanna do ayanos x male rivals books.

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