That one missing knight

414 21 6

Ship: killermare

Type: angst

Killer ran down the road of the castle, the skeleton had to leave. He could not stay in this kingdom anymore, he had nothing but a small bundle of gold in his pockets.

It was already late at Night, most if not everyone was asleep. Killer slowed down, the soft lights of the town, guided him. Unsure how he mange to run from the castle to the town. He stood their, the cold of the night hit him. The silence dawned on him, what is he doing.

Killer whimpered, backing up. He looked down to the ground, and then back up at the castle.

"I show you loyalty and love for 10 years and, you throw me away for a princess-- all those times we would kiss, hug or cuddle met nothing to you?!"  Killer scorned, reaching into his pockets, he pulled out the small pouch of gold he stole.

"And all I have is a small bag of gold coins to show for it..." killer stared at the pouch, a small tear fell from this face.
"No-- no... I refused. Nightmare doesn't deserve those tears-- One thing for sure... I need to leave his kingdom" killer states, walking towards the docks. He knew Nightmare, pass knights who left and hide away in the kingdom, were quickly found and killed. If killer tried to stay in his kingdom, he would easily be found and punished.

Killer felt his soul get heavy,  Like something was pulling him back, the more he walked the more heavy he felt..

Killer stopped, he made it to the docks... he looked around at the boat, trying to find what he was looking for.

But soon Enough he hit the jackpot, a large sail boat, with only one passenger.
The boat was fully stocked, with food and other Necessities.

"If you do this, you will never be able to go back... everyone here, all your friends... you can never go back." Killer whispered to himself, climbing up onto the ship. He sneaked into the boats kitchen, grabbing a knife.

He was so quite, not wanting to wake the owner. "Its now or never, once you leave this dock... your never going back-"

Killer looked up at the castle, it stood over the entire kingdom with an evil aura around it.

Killer nodded standing up, as he held onto the knife. He cut down on the ropes that held the boat in place. The boat slowly drifted out.

Killer openned the sail, and controling the movement with in time, killer got the boat moving.

Did he know where he was going? No... That's for future killer to find out.

"We search everywhere and intrview every monster that had ties with him, we cant find hi--"

"Then look again-- Your not allowed to stop serching until you find him!" Nightmare yelled, the knight nodded quickly running off.

"I swear to god killer, this better be some sick joke-- when I get my hands on you."  Nightmare groaned. As he stood up, he had to deal with his "wife". Sure that killer would be found.

He was not.

(Part 2? Idk give me some ideas for a part 2 of this.)

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