-A conversation- [1]

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The school day was over all classes were done-

Time to go home killer-

killer walked down the hallway of his school thinking to himself if he should leave or not but then again he had a bag full of mangos and apples that he would rather eat outside than at his shitty house.

'Wouldn't hurt to stay here for a hour or two'
Killer thought as he walked down the stairs making a quick b-line to the back of the school, jumping onto the green silky grass as he slowly made his way to his favorite spot. Once there just throwing down his bag on the ground, placing his back to wall slowly sliding down.

"God- fuck school~ mangos come here and give me happiness~"
Killer whispered reaching into his bag grabbing a mango and also a knife?!
Dont worry its a small little pocket knife only reason killer brings it to school is because... well mangos-

Killer let out a small sigh slowly cutting the mangos cutting a small peice off. Killer stared at the mango his eyes had formed small heart pupils, and huge smile formed on his face!

"I never realized you like mangos so much?"

A tall and large skeleton said as killer bolted his head to were the voice came, only to see

Killers heart shape pupils turned blank as killer large smile turn to a frown.

Horror noticed and was about to explain but killer just went back to eat his mango well this time nibbiling and sucking a little chunk of the mangos tip.




Horror looked at the small skeleton and his face got so full of blush...

'Throught all these years your still as cute as before and... hot-'
Horror thought walking next to killer getting close to killer.

"What do you want..?"
Killer spat out aggressively sucking the mango now, horror looked at it and his mind started to think...

"I... I just wanna talk also I wanna know what you've been up too"

Killer said nothing still aggressively eating his mango,

"I know your mad at me but I cant stand seeing you alone all the time so... can we please talk I'll even invite you out for dinner...?"

Horror whispered having his voice soften and even pulling out puppy eyes, killer perked up, thinking about it he was hungry and as much as he loves mangos it can get old, killer looked at horror puppy eyes, well eye.

Killer let out a small sigh and groan getting up and picking up this bag, still holding onto the mango and placing the pocket knife in his poket.... Ironic

"Were not gonna be friends you go it- also stop with puppy eyes"
Killer sarcastically said looking off into the side, horror just frowned standing up next to killer.

Killer looked back to horror to only see his chest, slowly tilting his head up stare at horror...

"Holy fuck your tall!"
Killer spat out as horror let out a small giggle a little blush.

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