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Ship: Killermare

Type: Angst and lime

Tags: homophobia, biting, and moaning,

Au: Vampire x human. Medieval AU

Killer walked pass the halls of the dimly lit castle, as a kid he always wanted to live in a grand castle. A castle so large to fit all his friends and family, far away from all these evil monsters... reality hit him hard.

He was now "living" in a castle, but none of his family or friends were alive.

Humans were weak, no magic and no physical strength. To these monster humans were nothing more than food and slaves, and they knew no human could fight back, most if not all monsters could easily over power any human, so humans had no other choice but to summit.

Killer lived in the moon kingdom, where the vampire king, Nightmare ruled. His family was nothing more that  famers, all of there harvest were taken every ended of the month only leaving enough for them to survive.

Once killer was old enough, killer left the farm. Leaving for the main city of the kingdom, del luna city, the city were Nightmare's castle stay.

killer manage to get a job at a Vineyard, making money. Killer always sent money and letters to his family, his life seem to be improving until he got a delivered message.

It was late at night, killer was about to fall asleep but was awoke by a knock on his door, killer answered it and was met with two knights, they informed him that killer was his family was killed for incompetence. Despit his family doing everything they asked, a Knight arrived to killer's front door that his family was killed for not "meeting quota".

"Such a shame~" said the vampire that delivered the message, while a wearwolf that accompanied him chuckled.

The two laughed at killer, killer couldn't process his emotions, he had no idea what controlled him but he was angry-- These monsters killed his family and then laughed at him...

Without thinking killer grabbed the nearest Knife, it was a dull kitchen blade thats his boss from the Vineyard gave him. Unknown to killer this Knife was made of silver, but killer didn't care.

Killer launched at the vampire, catching the knight off gaurd. He stabbed the vampire straight in the chest, hitting him in his heart, the vampire sreamed in agony alerting others around. The wearwolf stood in shock but quickly moved into action, he pounced on killer knocking killer away, from the vampire. Unknown to the two the vampire was already dead.

The two hustled, the wearwolf easily over powered killer, knocking him down. He slashed his claws but killer dodged, killer was still takled down. The wolf showed his teeth about to bite but killer stabbed him in the neck, the wearwolf fell back wailing in pain, this made him angry, he tried bite at killer again, only for killer to punch him in the snout, killer stooded up and takled him back to the ground, now killer was on top of the wolf and the wolf was bleeding out, unable to breath due to the knife, despite the wound killer was barely keeping him down, killer knew there was no turning back, he grabbed the knife and shoved it in deeper. Using all his strength to keep the wolf down, after awhile, killer pulled the knife out and stabbed him again, and again and again. The anger of his family and his life showed, years of hatred and pain was released.

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