
547 18 16

SHIP: killermare and kross

Type: angst and funny shit

Killer ran towards coffee shop he worked at. It was a nice job, didn't pay as much as he would want but he loves his coworkers and a plus+ Free coffee.

Despite that, killer had a horrible tendency to wake up late, which also meant he would be late for his job. Hence why was running-

Killer busted into the small coffee shop, scaring ccino who was at the front desk, talking someones order.

"Killer-- don't do that! Ugh. Sorry sir they are new~" ccino said quickly writing down order. "It will take a few minutes sir." The monster nodded before walking towards a chair.

"Killer your late..."

"Yeah, was doing stuff late again-"

"Ugh-- just quickly put on your apron, I need you to serve the two buisness men at the back" ccino pointed to the tray with the order then to the table, A black coffee with no sugar and a frappuccino with a cinnamon bun? "Black coffee with no sugar? I only know one person that likes that-" killer thought lifting the tray up, he walked over to the table. Were ccino pointed at. Killer walked over without a care but as he saw the two monsters closely, they were two skeletons. One was white boned and the other was covered in a black liquid.

"Wait-" it was to late before killer could react, "hm. Took you long enoug-" The black liquid skeleton stopped mid sentence, staring at killer. "Boss, could be less rude to the workers? Why are you staring at...." the second skeleton stared at killer also stopped mid sentence.

"Uh... long time no see- cross... Nightmare-" killer whispered, trying his best to act normal.

"You know cross?"

"You know Nightmare?"

The two skeleton said at the same time both confused.

"Yeah-h...." killer quickly place down the black coffee and frappuccino.

"How do you know him?!" Nightmare asked pointing at cross, "Same- how do you know nightmare" cross asked confused.

"Hes my ex..." killer whispered putting down the bun.

"What?" Cross asked. Before killer could ask further nightmare cut him off.

"I see you stealing my money was not enough so you moved on to  my client..." nightmare spoke.

Killer snapped at that sentence, "say that again nightmare, because I dated cross before you-"

Nightmare hummed as he took a sip out of his coffee. "You

"your still a jelouse bitch, arent you-" killer whispered-yell.

"Ok, It seems you two had a bad break up... and kills I-" cross was about to speak killer cut him of.

"Cross, you choose your girlfriend, you don't get to call me kills got it-" killer said before walking away. Cross said nothing.

Killer quickly made his way back to the main desk, "what was that about?!" Ccino asked, "oh their some old friends...?"

Part 2?
[Idk how to write so yeah]
Next chapter: -----

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